
Saturday, January 30, 2021

In My Mailbox #482

Gosh. I got all the books in the mail this week, eee :D All my missing pre-orders, haha. So, yeah. It's a lot. Oops. And I am so happy. Sigh. They all look perfect, eee. <3 I have had a busy week. Still re-reading the Graceling trilogy :) So perfect. I will finish Bitterblue tomorrow. And then I'll start Winterkeep this coming week. I cannot wait. So excited. I may have gotten to buy myself something aaamazing this week. Which was so lucky of me. But need to get one for my nephew too, and that will be way harder. So yeah. Busy week ahead. Hoping I can manage it. Nervous that I won't. Hoping he won't be angry with me for getting one for myself first, in case I cannot get one for him for weeks. Ack. Anyway. I'm doing good. Tired and exhausted, but good. Behind on taking instagram photos, but will do so soon. The light is coming back. The sun is back, at last. So got to take my book photo with the light off, happy about that. Hoping to get to take instagram photos in daylight soon too. Fingers crossed. I shared my review of Fire. <3 And this week I'm waiting on Mister Impossible :) I hope you are all staying safe and doing good. I'm doing mostly okay.

We Free the Stars. I am hoping to read this sometime this year :) I did like the first; hoping to love this.
Lore. This book looks so very gorgeous. Also, huge. And sounds so good. I simply cannot wait to read it.
A Sky Beyond the Storm. Oops. First copy from waterstones had damage; they sent me a new one. <3
Every Single Lie. I have read and loved books by this author, so excited for this one. It do seem exciting.
The World Between Blinks. This middle grade book looks adorable. So excited. And I love both authors.
Winterkeep. Oh, how I am excited about this book. Sigh. It shall be perfect. UK and US editions. Pretty.
Graceling + Fire + Bitterblue. Eee. New UK paperback covers :D And oh god. They are all perfect. Love.
Set Fire to the Gods. I was too late in pre-ordering this book, and so I finally bought it :) I did enjoy this.
Bridgerton. Okay, fine. I only bought this because I loved the show, and the cover is goddamn gorgeous.
Ninth House. Oops. Second waterstones black edged copy, as first had damage, so they sent a new :)
Lord of the Rings 4K. Ahh! I am SO goddamn excited about this, haha. Favorite series. Sigh. Can't wait.
Alexandra Bracken Swag. Eee. Thank you so so much lovely for this personalized bookplate for Lore. <3
Funko Advent Calendar: Harry Potter. Was too late to order this, and finally found one in stock :D Love it.

Such a Quiet Place. EEE. Simon & Schuster must love me on Edelweiss. Okay, it's more that I love them. They have so far approved my requests for all adult books by Megan Miranda, just after it was added to Edelweiss. Eee. I'm so very excited. Thank you so much. I cannot wait to read this stunning book. Always love books by Megan, and I am certain I will love this one too. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Love, love the new covers for the Graceling series! Is that a new edition?

  2. So many pretty covers! I'm currently reading We Hunt the Flame and was not expecting to love it so much. I need to get We Free the Stars immediately.

  3. Loved Sky Beyond the Storm, such a good series ending! And I also got that Waterstones edition, so beautiful.

    I don't usually like when TV adaption book covers, but the Bridgerton one is so nice. I'm looking forward to the next series.

    Ahh, Ninth House, that edition is cool! When are we getting the sequel is what I want to know lol.


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