
Saturday, November 7, 2020

Review: Murder on Cold Street by Sherry Thomas

My love for this Lady Sherlock series will never end. I love that Sherry is writing so many more. As I very much don't want these books to end. For this fifth book I did not re-read the others first. Will be doing that when they are all out. As I remembered pretty much all that happened, and how badly I loved all of the books.

I'm giving this one a four star. Not because I loved it less, as I still loved it. But for a few small reasons, sharing more below. I still very much loved all of these characters the most. And this mystery was all kinds of amazing. The whole series is incredible. The writing, of course, was fully stunning. No issues there at all.

Sherry is such an amazing author and person, and I adore her so. Will not be sharing too much about this precious book, only a bit about how I loved it. As always, this is a story about Charlotte Holmes. Pretending to be the sister of Sherlock Holmes, a great new detective in London. Except that there is no Sherlock, there is only Charlotte. And she is so very amazing. I just love this girl. So much. I fully love her love of food and cake. I so love her love for pretty and different dresses. I simply adore her so. In this fifth book, the story is focused more on Inspector Treadles. Still conflicted on him, both hate and love him, ha. He has been found with two dead men, holding the murder weapon. Charlotte has to work hard trying to find out if he killed them. We see much of his wife, Alice. I loved her so. And Mrs. Watson as well, always.

This was not an easy case, though. And pretty much all of the book is focused on this case. But there are also small parts of Charlotte and Ash, aka Lord Ingram. And their romance is changing in this book. And I loved it so very much. Sigh. There are more kisses. Eee. And it was so perfect. He is more relaxed and open in this book. And I loved that. I am still worried about her, though, because of her different views on love. But I have hope for these two precious characters. They are perfect together. And I love them both.

But back to the case. There is so much to go through. So many clues and sort-of witnesses. Many lies and surprises and twists. It was all kinds of interesting and exciting. I loved not knowing who did it, not for sure. And I very much enjoyed how they figured out what had actually happened. This story had some sad and evil parts. Which I very much liked. It had some villains I did not like. But everything was written so well. Mostly I loved reading about them all working together. Despite wishing for more, as always, ha.

There is still so much more I could write about this story. But I shall try not to write much more. It took me so many days to read this book. Not because I found it boring. Not because I did not love it. I just could not focus. But when I actually did get to read, it was the best thing. Because this book was so good and I just love these characters way too much. Sigh. I am so happy that Sherry began writing these books. And I cannot wait to read even more books by her. Right now just wishing this series will never end, ha. Sigh.

The reason for why I'm giving this one a four star is because I felt like it focused a little too much on the mystery. I wish there had been more scenes with the characters just being together, and enjoying parts of Christmas. I wish we had seen more of Olivia, that she had been with them all. But I also understood why she wasn't. And I did get why the mystery and murder of this book was such a huge focus of it. And the characters were still all together. Just, more during stress, haha. But yeah. Four stars, still a perfect book.

While Murder on Cold Street had a few small issues for me, it was still such a very perfect book. A most excellent fifth book into such a great series. Reading about Charlotte is still the very best. I adore her so. I love her friends. I love Lord Ingram. So much. And I always love reading about the different murders and mysteries included. I simply cannot wait to read the next book about Lady Sherlock and her friends. It will be all kinds of epic, I'm sure. If you still have not started this lovely series, then get moving. It is so good.

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