
Saturday, November 21, 2020

In My Mailbox #472

Not even sure where this week went. Gosh. Time is moving so fast. Plus side, it is closer to Christmas, eee. So excited :D Bad side, I haven't taken any new photos for daaays. No reading for days either. Or catching up. Oops. Soon, I hope. Just too tired and exhausted. Hmph. Too busy with my Animal Crossing New Horizons, still, haha :D It's still the best. <3 Got a few stunning books this week :) All gorgeous. This time I took weekly photo with my iPhone, and will continue to do so during these so dark months with no sun. Ack. A couple of new blog posts. I shared my review of The Scorpio Races. <3 11th read. Eee. This week I'm waiting on Payback :D Today has been the busiest for me. And so I'm behind on writing this and posting it. Oops. Rude. Hope you are all doing well. <3 I'm still just doing my best :) And staying safe too.

Northern Lights. Oops. A new gorgeous illustrated edition of the book :D I had to have it, of course. <3
Shadow and Bone. Eee. The US collectors edition, finally mine :D It looks so very stunning. Sigh. Love.
Dune. I got curious after the movie trailer, haha :D And so I am hoping to read this one day. Gosh, huge.
Courting Darkness. Finally got to re-order this one. Sigh. US paperback. Got lost this summer. Ahh. Love.
Ninth House. Oops. Now gotten to order it via Waterstones too, haha :D Exclusive UK paperback. Pretty.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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I love getting comments. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog :)