
Saturday, November 14, 2020

In My Mailbox #471

Another week gone by. Ack. It took me ages before I started reading again. But now finally re-reading The Scorpio Races, eee :) Hoping to maybe finish it tomorrow, but might not be until Monday. Reading so very slowly these days. Just no energy and no will to read. Ack. I love reading. Very much. And love this 11th read the most. But yeah. I have no energy for reading and it just feels so very exhausting. Sigh. This year have been a bad reading year. Hoping next year will be better. Fingers crossed. So yeah. Just one new blog post. This week I'm waiting on Thornwood. <3 So anyway. I'm distracted these days. Worried about Corona. Now spreading like crazy in my little town. Shudders. I do not want to die. I do not want my mom and grandpa to die. (We are most at risk if we get it.) So yeah. Trying to stay safe. Just worried. I'm busy playing Animal Crossing New Horizons. <3 And Pokemon GO. And Wizards Unite. And then Frozen Free Fall too. So yeah. I play too much. But need the distraction. So, yeah. I am doing okay. Just worried and exhausted and in pain. Rude. Oh. And I put up all my Christmas things days ago, eee. And I don't regret it one bit. Have listened to Christmas music on my radio for many weeks now. Oops. Christmas is simply the best. Also got some stunning books this week too. I hope that you are all great and staying safe. <3

Instant Karma. Eee. I am so excited for this new Marissa book :D Hoping to read it very very soon. <3
The Camelot Betrayal. Oops. I must read book one sometime soonish, haha :D Excited for them both.
The Secret Commonwealth. Sigh. Still did not like this book. Yet still need to own all the editions. Oops.
Two Dark Reigns + Five Dark Fates + Anna Dressed in Blood + Girl of Nightmares. Eee. I could not stop myself from ordering these gorgeous Taiwan editions. Own two from before. So so so very stunning. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3

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