
Saturday, September 12, 2020

In My Mailbox #462

Another week gone by. Ahh. I haven't read anything yet. Oops. Haven't felt well enough yet. A week ago, after I published my IMM post, I went on my daily walk. And managed to fell on wet moss on rock. And twisted my knee. Sigh. Which hurt badly for a few days. Still painful, but much better. Hopefully nothing broken in there. But yeah. It hurt. And I haven't felt up to doing much since. Hoping tomorrow will be a reading day. Fingers crossed. Oh. And I also got my brand new iPhone 11 Pro Max this week, ahhh :D Which I'm loving beyond words. Gosh. It may have been too expensive. But worth it. It's amazing. Sigh. Anyway. I also got way way way too much mail this week. Help. But so in love with it all, eee. <3 Sadly only one new blog post. Sigh. This week I'm waiting on Lore :) I'm doing good. Hope you are all safe. <3

The Lost Book of the White. Eee. My Waterstones editions have arrived, haha. Had to get them both :D
The Red Scrolls of Magic. UK paperback edition. Oops. I know. I shouldn't. But still getting all editions.
Descendant of the Crane. US paperback edition of this gorgeous book. <3 Sigh. It was so so very good.
Twin Daggers. EEE! Thank you so much MarcyKate :D I won this lovely personalized ARC. So excited.
Blood & Honey. Ahh. I did like book one a whole lot. But unsure when I will get to read this one. Oops.
The Language of Ghosts. I only heard about this some weeks ago. And I bought it. Hoping it's amazing.
Taylor Swift: Folklore. Eee. Four other editions of this stunning album, haha. <3 I had to have them all.
Far From Normal Swag. Ahh :D Thank you so much Becky for this perfect pre-order swag. <3 Love it all.

Ahh! Package from Alyssa have arrived. <3 And oh my gosh. Look at all of this gorgeousness :D Oh. I am dying. Thank you so much Alyssa. You are the very best. Sigh. So happy with everything. <3 Some stunning pre-order offers that were only for US people. And some books I could only get in the US. And a lovely special edition of Maleficent 2, which I love so much. And two lovely pop figures. Some gorgeous swag from Alyssa below too. Ahh. I am beyond so so happy and thankful. Sniffs. Love it all the most. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3

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