
Saturday, August 15, 2020

In My Mailbox #458

Oh, help. I got all the books this week. Ahh. Bookdepo has suddenly been super fast in shipping books, haha. And got a few books that took two months to arrive. Oops. But they are all here now, finally. Sigh. And they are all goddamn gorgeous. But ahh. So many! Help. So happy with them all. Been so busy this past week. Exhausted, but good. Got some of my pop figures on new shelves, and eee. It is perfection. Sharing next week :) I have not read anything yet. Not for all of August. I know what I need to read. I just cannot make myself start. Oops. Soon, I hope. Have so much I need to get to. I'm simply too busy and too exhausted. I also might have re-watched The Lord of the Rings trilogy this week, haha. <3 Extended edition, always. They are my favorite movies of all time. So very good. But yeah. No books read. And so behind on taking instagram photos. Gah. Must get better :) And so, also, only one new blog post. This week I'm waiting on The Language of Ghosts. <3 I'm still doing mostly okay. Medicine not fully working. Ugh. But I'm good. And safe. And I really hope all of you are too. <3 The world is such a mess right now.

Seven Devils. Eee. I'm very excited for this book :D And had to have both the UK and US editions. <3
Midnight Sun. Will be forever and ever until I read this book. But I had to buy it, UK and US, of course :)
Darkdawn. I know. Not reading this book. Oops. But of course, had to own this new UK paperback of it :D
TRUEL1F3. Oops. I got a second copy; which I did not order. Hmm. Way too weird, haha. I don't mind :)
All These Monsters. Eeee. I'm very excited about this book. Will be reading soon, I hope. Seem amazing.
Splinters of Scarlet. It's here, finally :D I cannot wait to read this one soon too. Love this author a bunch.
Rebel Spy. Eee. Finally got this lovely book. Took forever, ha. And I enjoyed this book a whole lot. Love.
The Oddmire. Finally owning this book, haha. I adored it so much and had to own this pretty hardcover :)
The Girl and the Witch's Garden. Finally finally got this precious book. <3 I cannot wait to finall read it :D
One True King. Eee. My UK and international pback edition. Sigh. These books are the very best ones.
Igniting Darkness. Got my gorgeous UK paperback too :D It looks so very precious. Love this cover tons.
Imprison the Sky. Eee. I really really need to re-read Reign the Earth. Oops. Sooon. US pback edition :)
Wayward Son. Sigh. I still need to re-read Carry On. Oops. One day soon. I loved it so very much. Ack.
Descendant of the Crane. New UK edition of this lovely book :D I adored this one so much. And so pretty.

More Instagram photos here. <3

1 comment:

  1. Feel better. What’s the difference between the US and UK?


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