
Monday, June 22, 2020

The Oddmire: The Unready Queen Blog Tour: Review

I'm very excited to be taking part in the blog tour for The Oddmire: The Unready Queen by William Ritter today. I read this book about a week ago, and my gosh, it was everything that I could have wanted in this sequel. Fully exciting and thrilling and heartbreaking too. But now my need for book three is even higher. How rude. I cannot wait for more about these characters. For my blog tour post today I'm sharing my five star review of The Unready Queen. I simply loved this book so much. Big thank you to Algonquin Young Readers for letting me take part in this blog tour. I hope you are all about to read these two books too :) You really must. The Oddmire books are incredible. I cannot wait to finally own hardcover copies soon. <3

Review of The Oddmire: The Unready Queen.

This sequel was everything I could have ever wanted it to be. And more. I had wished for more about the characters. I got that. Got more about the creatures too. And it was all so very wonderful. And of course, totally heartbreaking at times too. This book even made me cry a little. And I could not help but love every part of it to pieces. Giving it five stars, as there was not a single thing I did not love. Well, the ending was so rude, and having to wait for a third book is the worst. But I'm so very excited about it too. Cannot wait.

As with book one, the writing was so stunning. I had no trouble with connecting to the characters and this world. And my gosh, what an amazing world it was. Set in an old-fashioned village with a magical forest around it. Filled with magical creatures. We got so much more of all of that in this book. And I loved it so. The creatures were amazing to read about. This whole forest was simply the best. I loved how interesting and exciting everything was. But most of all I really loved reading about all these lovely characters. Sigh.

The Unready Queen starts about a month after the ending of Changeling. It is still about the twin brothers Cole and Tinn. Who were not, you know, actually brothers. But this book focus more on Fable. And gosh, how I loved that. I loved them all so much. But I got to know Fable so much more in this second book and I grew to love her the most. Her mother was also the very best. The mother of the boys was still the best too. But Fable was incredible. Fierce and brave. A little ignorant, way too adorable. Loved her very much.

I simply loved reading about Cole and Tinn too. Loved their new friend, Evie. And how Tinn had a crush on her. Was way too cute. Mostly I just loved reading about their friendship. How great friends they were with Fable. And reading about them all together and having fun. Although this book was a lot about not having fun. Rude. I loved it so, haha. These characters were all the best. And their stories are so good. And I so cannot wait to learn even more. There better be a third book. I just know I will love it even more.

I thought that book one was dark, with that evil thing in the forest eating creatures. But this one was even darker, in a different way. It focus on how cruel humans can be at times. And it was pretty heartbreaking to read about. Yet done so very well too and so good to read as well. But yeah. Painful too. How one man made all the others feel like they needed to destroy the forest and everyone living in it. It was so hard to read about. But so important and I love how well it was done. Such a great story and loved how it ended.

The Oddmire: The Unready Queen was every kind of incredible. The characters beyond adorable and amazing. The story so very exciting and evil. It was everything I could have wanted it to be. I'm so very happy that I read these lovely books. Sigh. You all need these books in your life too. So worth it. Huge thank you to Algonquin Young Readers for letting me take part in this blog tour and for sending me an eARC of this book to read and review via Netgalley. I ordered the hardcover, and I cannot wait to get it.

Human and goblin brothers Cole and Tinn are finding their way back to normal after their journey to the heart of the Oddmire. Normal, unfortunately, wants nothing to do with them. Fable, the daughter of the Queen of the Deep Dark, has her first true friends in the brothers. The Queen allows Fable to visit Tinn and Cole as long as she promises to stay quiet and out of sight—concealing herself and her magic from the townspeople of Endsborough.

But when the trio discovers that humans are destroying the Wild Wood and the lives of its creatures for their own dark purposes, Fable cannot stay quiet. As the unspoken truce between the people of Endsborough and the inhabitants of the Wild Wood crumbles, violence escalates, threatening war and bringing Fable’s mother closer to the fulfillment of a deadly prophecy that could leave Fable a most Unready Queen.

WILLIAM RITTER is an Oregon educator and author of the New York Times bestselling Jackaby series. He is the proud father of the two bravest boys in the Wild Wood, and husband to the indomitable Queen of the Deep Dark.

Where to find William Ritter:

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