
Friday, June 12, 2020

Review: The Oddmire: Changeling by William Ritter

I knew I had to re-read this gorgeous thing when I got approved to take part in the blog tour for book two. Even though it has not been a year yet since I first read it. I still wanted to read it again, as it was such a fast and fun read. And I'm so glad that I did so. Because this one is still just as precious as the first time I read it.

Giving it four stars this time too, though. Simply because it could have been even better. I did not really have any issues with this, I only wanted more. More of the characters, more of the stories. It was still pretty much perfect. Writing was incredible. The world fully cute and truly fascinating. And I loved this story very much.

This book tells the story of twin boys, almost thirteen years old. Cole and Tinn. When they were babies, a goblin tried to switch them. See, one is human. The other is a goblin changeling. But the switch went wrong and the goblin left both babies for Annie to raise. They have spent all their life not knowing who is the real boy and who is not. But it does not truly matter much to them, as they still love each other the most. Cole and Tinn were incredible brothers. They got into all sorts of trouble in their small old-fashioned village. Always doing some type of mischief. But never anything mean or cruel. They were just boys have fun. I just adored them to pieces. They were both adorable and I liked getting to know them. Would have loved knowing even more though.

This book is about the boys getting a letter from a goblin. Telling them that the changeling needs to return to the horde, or else he and all the goblins will die in just days. Taking magic with them. And so Cole and Tinn leave their home for an adventure into the dangerous forest surrounding their village. They do leave their mother a note. When she wakes, she follows them right away. And I loved that so very much. Gosh. Annie was the very best mother. And I loved reading about her so much. She was the best. And so fierce.

The boys get into trouble in the woods too. And it was so much fun to read about. They meet a girl their own age in this forest, Fable. She is not all that she seems. And I could not help but adore her to pieces right away. Her mother was pretty fierce too. I very much loved how mothers were important in this book. And how fathers were not; they were simply not there. Hmph. I approved, haha. But yeah. Fable was so awesome. And I loved that all three became friends. I only wish there had been even more of all of them.

Which is why I am so very excited about reading book two next. Hoping it will be just as awesome, and more. Hoping for more character info too and more of the friendships. Fingers crossed. I so very much adored this book, though. It was so full of magic and magical creatures. There was The Thing, a monster that ate every single living creature it could get its hands on. Which was pretty dark. I loved it the most. I loved that this book showed dark parts too, which did not have happy endings. Hoping for more of that.

There is not really much more I can say about this book. It was all kinds of sweet and fun and so easy to read. The Oddmire: Changeling was such a fantastic book filled with magic and family love. I adored Cole and Tinn so very much. And their adventure was pretty incredible. A huge thank you to Algonquin Young Readers for the eARC of this book and for letting me take part in the blog tours. So glad that I read this book again before book two. Was still so sweet. You all need to read this magical middle grade book too.

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