
Monday, June 8, 2020

Review: Aurora Burning by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

Where do I even begin with this book? It was all kinds of evil and so amazing too. Re-reading Aurora Rising first was the best thing although there were hints in all of this about what had happened before. Still. Reading it again was worth it. I love these characters way too much. And they were all hurting very badly in this sequel.

And yet I loved it so. Five stars for this second book. I adored it to pieces. Despite all the pain it left me in. So rude. The writing was, as always, stunning. The world created so incredible and exciting to read about. Just. Space. So good. And the characters all have pieces of my heart. And I am so worried about all of them. Hmph.

Aurora Burning begins right after the ending of the first book. The squad just had to leave Cat behind, with those crazy plant things. She was lost to them. Which still breaks my heart. And they were all grieving her. Sigh. Which was painful to read about, but so so good. Cat was awesome. But they did not have any time to rest. Because it turns out the whole galaxy is looking for them. As they are framed for murder. And then Kal's crazy sister starts hunting them too. There is so much going on in this book. All of it interesting to read about. I simply loved reading every single thing about space. And all the places they went to. But, well, I do wish there had been more planet visits. I wanted to see more different space too, haha. But still. It was all so good. And so beautiful.

I shall not write down too much about this book. Only that I loved it so. And that these characters are so very fierce and brave and loving and I adore them the most. Plot is about them trying to find the weapon they need to destroy the big villain. The weapon that Auri is the trigger for. But before they find it, she has to train herself, how to control her powers. And reading about that was pretty interesting. A bit weird with how timed moved inside this one thing. Hmm. But still, I did like it a lot. I do adore Auri. And Kal too. Sigh.

The whole crew goes through so much in this book. A lot of capture. Some hurt. Well, a lot of hurt. And a bunch of surprises too. Which was awesome. I just adored this book. Can't wait to find out what happens next. Though worried too, yet not too worried, as I am very positive there will be a happy ending for them all. Fingers crossed. Anyway. This book was about them trying to evade capture. Not really succeeding. All of them trying their hardest not to die. And getting to know each other more at the same time. Loved it.

It is hard to tell who my favorite character of this book was. Because I loved them all so very much. Sigh. But, well. Tyler is still my number one. I think. We got to know Scarlett and Finian and Zila more in this book. And I love them all very much. And Auri and Kal too. Though I'm a bit unsure about those two, as they were only really focused on themselves. Hmm. But they are all still a team. And they are all still so good together. Though this team is breaking up a lot in this book. Which was so sad and so exciting too.

Then there was the new character. Saedii. Kal's sister. The baddest of the Syldrathi Unbroken people. We meet her with her being busy hunting down Kal and his squad. She wants him to join them in their war against everyone else. And she will do anything to get him to her. She was so cruel and evil. Yet I kind of slowly started to like her too. Hmm. Seems like we are supposed to ship her and Tyler. Unsure. Yet kind of okay with it too. Hoping to get to know her better in the third book. Hoping she'll be amazing.

There were a few small things I had issues with. That whole kicking Tyler in the balls thing. Twice. Was it included to be funny? Because I did not find it so. Painful and simply not funny. I also found the romance between Kal and Auri to be a little too much at times. Too fast, not enough page time. I adored them both, so much. But yes. A little too fast. But even so. The friendships in this book was the very best. How they all cared for each other and protected each other. They were all so very perfect together. I adore them so.

Aurora Burning was everything I could have wanted a second book to be. Full of adventure, danger and heartbreak. Some good and happy moments too. But mostly danger and destruction. And I loved every moment of it. But that ending. What even. Completely not okay. I mean, I am pretty sure it will be undone, because of some hints. But uncertain too. Still. Fully and completely excited for book three. It shall be the very best one, I think. If you still haven't read these books, get moving. They are both truly fully amazing.

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