
Saturday, May 23, 2020

In My Mailbox #446

How is it already Saturday again? Ahh. Time is moving way too fast :) And I haven't read anything since I finished the last book a week ago. Oops. But I know what I'm reading next, hoping to get to it this coming week :) Fingers crossed. This week have been busy for me. So much to do all day long. Ack. And health sucks. And everything seems to be going wrong. Uuugh. But I'm doing my best and staying positive :) A couple of new posts. I shared my review of Among the Beasts and Briars :) And this week I'm waiting on Igniting Darkness, eee. <3 And gosh. I actually got two books this week, haha :) Finally. Both gorgeous.

Aurora Burning. Sigh. So lovely. US hardcover has arrived. I may have peeked at final pages, haha :D
The Red Scrolls of Magic. New gorgeous US paperback :D With new cover design too. Eee. I love it so.
Pikachu. Eee. Isn't this Detective Pikachu plush all kinds of adorable? I love him so. I had to buy him :)

More Instagram photos here. <3

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