
Saturday, May 2, 2020

In My Mailbox #443

Another week gone by, still not reading anything. Sigh. But this coming week I will be starting a book for sure. I need to read again, ha :) A little bit of mail this week; some stunning books. <3 But no other blog posts, oops. This week I am waiting on Soulswift :) And tomorrow is my birthday. Eee. Turning 27. Gosh. But I am so excited about my birthday. Presents, cake, good food. Sigh. Hoping it will be a good day :) My health still sucks, but I'm doing my best and staying safe from the virus. Hope you are all doing well too :)

The Empire of Dreams. Hoping to get to re-read the original trilogy one day soon, eee. Excited for this.
Aurora Rising. The new US paperback edition :D I mean, duh. Of course I had to own this one too, haha.
Two Dark Reigns. Finally this one came out in US paperback. <3 Ugh. These books are so good and evil.
A Crystal of Time. Ahh. Gorgeous US paperback edition :D I'm so not ready for the final book in a month.
Trolls. Oops. Another version of the movie tie-in edition, haha. I just had to own this one too :) Too cute.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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