
Saturday, April 25, 2020

In My Mailbox #442

Seriously. Why are the days going by so fast? Ahh. I haven't read anything yet. I haven't done much at all. Hmph. But still the days go by so fast and I don't have time for anything. How rude. But doing okay. And my days are good, despite being busy, despite not reading. I'm trying my best :) So yeah. Still only one blog post. This week I'm waiting on The Unready Queen. <3 A week from tomorrow I turn 27 years old. What even. I don't feel this old at all, ha. Time is just moving too fast :) But eee. I love my birthdays. Only two books this week, but they are both lovely. Anyway. I'm trying my best and hoping to read soon :)

Chosen Ones. I had to get this lovely UK signed edition from Waterstones too :D Hoping to read it soon.
Night of the Dragon. Aaack. I have only read book one, but hoping to finish this trilogy one day soonish :D

More Instagram photos here. <3

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