
Saturday, April 11, 2020

In My Mailbox #440

HAPPY EASTER! Also. What. Didn't I just write a post like this yesterday? Gosh. Time has been moving so fast this week. I got my spa bath up again, eee. And my 42C baths are the very best. Sigh. It is still full winter, though, even more snow coming. Ugh. But my bath is up. And it's the best. Well, except for the air that is somehow leaking from it. Sobs. I have to add more air everyday. Until we can take it down in a few weeks to look for a hole. Which is breaking my heart, as I was so so very much looking forward to my spa baths. Sigh. I hope it will be an easy fix. Fingers crossed. This week I'm waiting on Dehaunting. <3 Sadly no new books read this week either. Ugh. Now been a whole month since I finished my last read. What even. I'm simply too tired and too exhausted. Also, still doing my daily walks. And I'm still playing Animal Crossing every day, hours each day, ha. It is the best. Sigh. Anyway. No other blog posts. My wrist is still hurting too much for me to get anything done on my laptop, which sucks. No new books this week either. What. Because we only had a few days of mail before Easter, so nothing had time to arrive. Waiting on a few more pre-orders :) Hope you are all doing well and staying safe. I am doing my best, still. Oh! Also. I have seen Trolls: World Tour. It was beyond adorable and awesome. Loved it so. You need to see it too :)

Trolls Lego. Eee. I had to buy this adorable thing, haha. I simply love Trolls way way too much. Too cute.
Pop Figures. Ahh. My newest Frozen 2 pops have arrived :D And they are all so gorgeous. Love them so.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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