
Saturday, April 4, 2020

In My Mailbox #439

How is it Saturday again? Ahh. Time is moving way too fast. Yet way too slow too. We have so so so so much snow. I wish summer would arrive already. But I do not think this snow will go away for a long time. Ha. Fingers crossed I will be getting my spa bath out tomorrow, though, eee. Going to try to, at least. I have not read any books this week either. What even. My next book is all ready. I'm just not. Sigh. Have no energy. And I am way way too busy playing Animal Crossing, eee. Haha. Which I'm loving soso very much. Sigh. It's so good. But yeah. I really need to read soon. I just do not feel like it. Sigh. Which is the worst. The world sucks so badly these days. And I'm trying to deal with it all. Dealing with not being able to get my medicine, which I badly need. It isn't safe to travel. Hoping not to get Corona and die, which is possible with all of my diseases. Sigh. So yeah. Trying my best to stay positive :) And trying to get things done, but so far, nothing. Oh, well. I'm doing good, though. Hope you are all staying safe. So yeah. One new post. This week I'm waiting on TRUEL1F3. <3 I'm trying my best to stay positive. Isn't easy, though.

Chosen Ones. I am all kinds of excited about this book :D It sounds so awesome. Hoping to read it soon.
Supernova. The newer UK paperback edition. <3 Which I simply had to buy, haha. I must read this soon.
Aurora Rising. Gorgeous new UK paperback edition :D Love the stained purple edges. I loved this book.

More Instagram photos here. <3

1 comment:

  1. i'm playing lots of animal crossing too! if you want i'll send you my friend code, you will be my first friend :D
    And as long as you stay home you shoyld be safe !


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