
Friday, January 17, 2020

Review: The Girl from Widow Hills by Megan Miranda

I feel beyond certain that this is my favorite adult book by Megan. I mean, I love all her books. But this one was even more thrilling and even more twisty. I completely loved it. And so I cannot help but give it five stars. There was one thing I wish there had been more of, but gosh, how badly I loved this book. It was truly good.

Honestly, this book was everything I had wanted it to be. I have been a fan of Megan and her books for so many years now. Of course I had to read this newest book by her as soon as I could. And so it made me beyond happy to get accepted to read it early via Edelweiss. Simply devoured this book. Loved every moment.

There is much I wish to share about this book. Yet so much that I cannot share about it. Ha. I will not share the twists. But oh gosh. How much I adored this. It might have taken some time before it got really twisty, but I did not mind at all. I loved getting to know this main girl and her life. As always Megan has the most perfect writing. I loved every part of it in this book. Easy to connect and read. This story was all kinds of twisted. And I so enjoyed every moment of it. Eee. There is a murderer to catch. And it is kind of impossible to know who committed this murder. There are several persons it could be. Which I very much enjoyed, haha. I liked getting to know these characters. I liked that this book took place in a cute small town. I loved the writing and the setting.

This book tells a story of past and of present. It is told from the point of view of twenty six year old Olivia. With a few words of interviews and news from twenty years ago before each new chapter. Which was all kinds of exciting. Olivia have lived in this small town for a little over two years now. She work at a hospital in charge of some things there. I truly liked getting to know her life and what she did. She lives alone in a remote place, with only one neighbor, who lives right next door. I loved this old guy. He was so awesome.

There was so much to get to know about Olivia. Like the fact that her name was not really that. She was born Arden. She changed her name and moved to get away from the media. Twenty years ago she went missing for three days. Found at last in a storm drain, clinging to life. She still cannot remember anything about those days. But everyone had a story to tell about it. Her mom wrote a book. She did every kind of interviews to get money. But Olivia wanted none of this. And so when she could, she moved away from it.

Getting to know the story of what happened twenty years ago was the best thing. There were some truly amazing twists. Which I so loved beyond words. I mean. I didn't even guess the biggest twists at the end. What even. Which was so thrilling. But then there was also the present day. With Olivia sleepwalking, like she did as a child, and ending up tripping over a dead body in her garden. Which means there was a big investigation. Which was thrilling to read about, haha. There were beyond many twists to this whole story.

I will not say much more about this book. But gosh, I loved all of it so very much. This story was exciting and thrilling and I just cannot deal with how much it messed with my mind, haha. It was so good, though. Loved getting to know Olivia. I loved getting to know her few friends in this town. There is mention of an ex, whom I did not like one bit, ha. But her friends were all kinds of great. Though she kept so much from them all, kept them all at a distance. But she got better at that. Well, I think she did. I liked her friends so.

The reason for why I was a little unsure about this book was the romance. Or, well, the lack of romance. I so shipped Olivia and Bennett. Sigh. They work together at the hospital, and they have known each other since she moved there. And are such good friends. And could be more. There are a few small hints about it, but nothing happens. Ack. I wanted it to, so badly, haha. But still. This book did not need romance. And I loved it so without it too. But yeah. I really did ship Olivia and Bennett the most. He was simply adorable.

The Girl from Widow Hills was everything I could have wanted in a book by Megan Miranda. Full of twists and shocking truths coming out. A bit of suspense and danger. A little about friendships and how to deal with keeping secrets from them. I loved everything about this book. It was just as exciting as I wanted it to be. Just as stunning as I knew it would be. Megan simply writes incredible books. Sigh. And so this book was honestly my favorite of her adult ones. Not sure about her YA books, hmm. But it was still so perfect.

Huge thank you to the publisher, Simon & Schuster, for approving my request to read and review this one early via Edelweiss. So happy I was able to read it already, haha. Feels like I had already waited forever. And it isn't even out until June. Which means that now I must wait even longer for new books by Megan. How rude. I so very much love her writing and her stories. Cannot wait for more books by her. If you still have not read anything by her then you are seriously missing out. YA and adult, all so completely perfect.

1 comment:

  1. I've been following your blog for a couple months now. I discovered your website because we love a lot of the same books. I haven't heard of this book or the author, but I'll check them both out asap. -Hannah


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