
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Eight Years of Blogging

Once again I managed to forget my blog birthday. I don't know how I managed to forget it, but forget it I did. Ha. My blog turned eight years old on October 11th :D Eee. I have been meaning to write this post for days and days now, ever since I found out I had forgotten about it. But I keep having no energy, and so I keep putting it off. Ack. This past year have not been easy for me. My health still completely sucks, worse than ever, and because of this I have gotten so few books read this year. Okay, I've read 47 books so far, which isn't too horrible, but still way less than what I have read for years now. It's depressing. But at least I have managed to read. So I'm happy with that. And I am still blogging. Still posting my two weekly posts, no matter what. And I still love it so. I have gotten way less comments this past year, which is pretty sad, but I understand it too. We are all so busy. I myself am so very far behind on every single thing. Gosh. I'm trying to catch up, but it's not going very fast at all. Sigh. But trying. And doing a little each day. I hope you are all doing well. I'm doing as good as I can :) I have now been blogging for eight years. Still love it most.

Thank you so much to all of you for still reading my blog, for still commenting at times too. It means the very most to me. You guys are all awesome. Thank you. Despite my bad health, I'm still here, and I will be for as long as I'm able to. Which will be very long, I'm sure of it, haha. My health is bad, but not that bad, so should always be blogging. I'm reading less, but hoping that will pick up soon too. I have had so little energy this past year. But also so little time on top of that. I spend so much of my days with my sister and her kids. By niece and nephews. They are the most adorable, though. And I still have my cat. Whom I love the very most. I still play Pokemon Go every day, haha, and I won't ever stop with that either. I have even bought tickets to go see Taylor Swift at a festival in Oslo next summer. Gosh. It's my first time doing anything like that. And I am beyond excited for it. Cannot wait. Anyway. Enough sharing for this time. I'm sorry for not doing a giveaway this time either. I simply do not have the energy for it just now. But soonish.


  1. I've blogged longer than you and I still kind of lack the energy for blogging but I hope to keep going like you. Happy 8 years!

    Have a lovely day.

  2. Ha. I missed mine too back in August. And yeah, 8 years as well. :D Happy Anniversary!


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