
Saturday, June 29, 2019

In My Mailbox #399

I have been without my laptop for almost a week now. It's been torture. Ugh. I got a borrowed laptop from the store, and it has been so horrible that I had to get my old ruined one again. And even that one's better though the light and heat is a little dangerous. But I'll survive a few weeks, I hope. Then they will get me a brand new laptop. Well, they better. Because of pretty much no laptop this past week, I have not gotten anything done. And been too busy with family to get any reading done. Ahh. But I want to read. And I will. Starting tomorrow. I hope. Will try my best. Only one blog post this week, as I have not been on my laptop much at all. And no reading. Sigh. This week I'm waiting on Hollow Dolls. <3 I have all of my next reads planned. And I'm super excited about them. Just need the time and energy. So far it's not easy. Sigh. But I'm trying. Got my older laptop ready tonight, so it will be easier from tomorrow. Hopefully. Hope you are all doing well. I'll try better to catch up and read :) Health sucks, worse than ever, so yeah. But I'm good.

The Red Scrolls of Magic. Oops. I had to get this one too, with the red pages from Waterstones :D Pretty.
DEV1AT3. Eee. Finally I can re-read book one, very soon :D I'm so excited about this one. And nervous.
Carry On. Ack. I found out a new UK paperback just came out. I had to buy it, haha. It is so pretty. Sigh.
Nightbooks. And this new US paperback edition :D Had to own it for my collection. As I adore this author.
The Last House Guest + The Walled City. AHH! Thank you so much Ashleigh for trading with me :D Love.
Coraline. Oops. My replacement doll. <3 As the first one I got was damaged, ack. She's just too adorable.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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