
Saturday, June 22, 2019

In My Mailbox #398

Oops. Another week gone by. Only managed to read one book this week, which I read today. Gah. Just so completely busy all the time. But I want to read. And I love it once I start. Simply the worst at making myself start reading these days. Hmm. Also so busy with my family, still. Oops. And my laptop is dying again. Turning it in for the third time on Monday. What. But this time they should give me a brand new one. Right away. Hopefully. Ugh. It's annoying, though. I want my laptop at all times. And I am tired of it being slow and crashing. Anyway. This week I'm waiting on The Light in Hidden Places :) And I shared the cover for Supernova, finally, haha. <3 And eee. I got so much mail this week. Oops. Some stunning trades. And a few books. And all perfect. Sigh. I have my next reads planned, and so I'm hoping to start reading early in the week. Hope that you're all doing well. Also, do leave a comment if you visit, please :)

Soul of the Sword. I'm pretty excited about reading this second book :D Looks so gorgeous as well. Love.
The Last House Guest. I adored this book a whole lot. Megan is awesome. Love the finished copy of it.
After the Flood. Eee! Thank you so much Natasha for sending me this gorgeous UK proof :D So excited.
The Magnolia Sword. Ahh! Thank you so much to Linde for trading with me :D Gosh. I am so so happy.
Taylor Swift CDs. Eee! I had to buy these from her store :D So cute looking and I loved this great song.
Pikachu. Oops. A few more of these adorable looking books :D This movie was simply the cutest thing.
Samplers. EEE! Thank you Caro for trading with me :D Gosh. Love the three samplers + passport + print.
Shadowhunters + Memento + Kingsbane. Oh. All pre-order swag. Thank you Alyssa for helping me. <3
Shadow & Flame Swag. Eee! Thank you Mindee for this awesome pre-order swag :D I love the art cards.
Pins. Alyssa helped me get these and more. <3 So thankful. Bought from BoxLunch; love them so much.
Purse and Bag. Oh gosh. Look at these cuties I bought as birthday presents to myself from Disney. Love.
Movies. Eee. I'm finally going to watch HTTYD3 soon :D Also loved Ralph 2. It was so adorable. Love it.
Pop Figures. Ahh! So cute. Love my Ariel. Also, Royal couple was a mistake. But I get to keep them. Yay.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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