
Saturday, May 4, 2019

In My Mailbox #391

I turned 26 yesterday :D Yay. I love my birthdays, haha. Not many presents, small family, but still perfect. I had lots of cake and had some good food too :) Besides that, this week have not been very good for me. My health is going bad, worse than usual. Rude. And so I didn't manage to read anything. Next week. For sure. Also only a couple of blog posts this week, as I did not read at all this week. Ah! But reading tonight. I am sure of it. So little time and so little energy. Sigh. Anyway. I shared the cover for The Art of Theft :D And this week I'm waiting on Immunity. <3 And gosh, so little mail this week, haha :) But that's totally fine. More will come. Oops. Still, a bit of pretty mail :D Also, I saw Avengers: Endgame. It was awesome. But. Well. My favorite died. Ugh. Then I saw Game of Thrones. And my favorite died there too. What the hell. I am not pleased. Sigh. I watching loved both, but so disappointed as well, to be honest. I'm still behind on everything, but slowly catching up, whenever I have the energy for it. Still get pretty much zero comments so please do leave one if you visit. It would mean the very most to me. <3 I hope you are all doing well :)

LIFEL1K3. Stunning US paperback edition is out :D So pretty. Gosh. I will be re-reading this book soon.
Pop Figures. Dumbo is all kinds of cute. And mystery mini LotR :D I got my favorite; Legolas, haha. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3

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