
Saturday, March 16, 2019

In My Mailbox #384

How is it Saturday again? Time is moving way too fast. And I am still behind on every single thing. Oops. Hoping to do a lot of catching up tomorrow and this coming week. I managed to read one book this week, and halfway done with another one. Both have been so very bad. Ahh. I need something epic again. Ugh. Haha. I also got more medicine this week, and I am exhausted because of it, but went okay. Hoping to do more catching up. And more reading. And maybe finally watch a bunch of things I'm behind on too. Hmm. But this week I did blog a little more :D Yay for that. I shared news about The Secret Commonwealth. <3 I posted my review of The Tiger at Midnight :) This week I'm waiting on Chain of Gold. <3 And I shared the cover for The Girl the Sea Gave Back :D Oh my god, I got the most perfect books in the mail this week :D AHH! I am so so happy. <3 And so thankful. And in love with everything. I hope you are all doing okay. <3

The Art of How to Train Your Dragon 3. Eee! This book is so very gorgeous :D I need this movie. Sobs.
Kingsbane. What. Oh my gosh. Thank you so much to a precious person for sending this one to me. <3
Cinder. Oh. My. God. I AM DYING. Thank you to Jo for trading this with me :D My collection is complete. Oh. What. I am so happy. So thankful. So thrilled. And it looks beyond gorgeous, eee. I love it so much :D
The Pumpkin War. Ahh! This looks SO CUTE :D Thank you PRH Kids for this one, and Becky for helping me get it. <3 I cannot wait to take part in the blog tour for this pretty book in May :D I am so very excited.
Courting Darkness Swag. Thank you Becky for helping me get this pretty pre-order from HMH Teen :D
Shades of Magic. Stunning collection of the comic books by Victoria :D I cannot wait to read the pretty.
Wonder Woman. Stunning new US paperback edition :D I adored this Wonder Woman version so much.
A Crystal of Time. EEE. One of many. I need to do my re-read of the books very shortly, ack. Nervous :)
Ice Wolves. Pretty new US paperback :D I adore Amie, so had to have it. I adored this book a bunch too.
The Burning Sky + Razorland + Swag. Eee! Thank you so much for trading with me Rachel :D I love it all so much. The Burning Sky manuscript. Ahh. Love. Enclave; last one I needed. <3 And all the pretty swag.
The Blood Spell Swag. Stunning pre-order swag that I got from ordering The Blood Spell :D I love it tons.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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