
Saturday, February 2, 2019

In My Mailbox #378

Time is moving way too fast. And this week have been so very busy for me. It has also felt like everything had been going wrong, which is just the worst. Plus side, I got a bunch of stunning mail? Haha :) I do love it all. <3 So many pre-orders finally arrived. Took forever, haha. But they are here :D So much awesome. My gosh. Also, since I went late to the post office today my pictures are without daylight again. Gah. How rude, haha. This week have been a bit exhausting. Been feeling a little sad. Yet happy too. But yeah. It's hard sometimes. I finished a book yesterday, but my review will not go live for another two weeks, haha. But I loved it. So yay for that. A few new blog posts too. I took part in the blog tour for Reign of the Fallen & Song of the Dead :) This week I'm waiting on Four Dead Queens. <3 And then took part in the blog tour for Song for a Whale :D If you have the time, please comment on my posts? I still get the same amount of views. But no comments. It's heartbreaking, ack. Though I understand that you all are probably just busy. <3 But yeah. Would be so thankful for even just a short comment :) Hope you are all doing well. I am very exhausted, but doing good too. I saw Ralph Breaks the Internet at the cinema today, and I adored it tons. So cute. I just watched Searching on my laptop, which was also awesome. Have you seen any of them? 

ARC of Song for a Whale Giveaway. International. Ends 02/14.

The Wicked King. Okay, I haven't read book one yet, haha. But I will. And I hope and think I will love both.
Imprison the Sky. Eee. Very very soon I will be re-reading book one to finally read this one. <3 So excited.
White Stag. I enjoyed this one a bunch, and had to own the gorgeous hardcover of it too. Love the cover.
Comet Rising. My collection of this awesome author is growing. <3 This one was adorable and is so cute.
Black Bird of the Gallows. A friend of mine loved this one, and the next one, and I wanted to try them too.
Keeper of the Bees. Could not resist getting them both, haha. Hoping I will end up loving them both too :)
Come Find Me. This book was so very good. And the hardcover is so very beautiful. I simply love Megan.
Fragments of the Lost. Stunning new US paperback edition :D I loved this book a bunch. It is so so pretty.
Cracked Up To Be. I didn't own this gorgeous thing by Courtney yet. Now I own all, eee. Must read soon.
Grave Mercy + Dark Triumph + Mortal Heart. New UK paperbacks :D Could not resist buying them, haha.
Queen of Air and Darkness. EEE! My personalized book have just arrived. <3 From GoodChoiceReading. Thank you so much. Thank you so much Cassie for signing it to me. <3 I love it so. And oh, thank you the most to Becky for helping me get it, eee :D You are the best love. This box was so expensive but worth it.

Lady Midnight + Enchantee. Eee, thank you Sarah-Jane for trading these UK ARCs with me. I love them.
Fury. Thank you so much Etina for trading this precious with me :D SO happy. I love the book beau. <3
The Waning Age + Wonder Woman + Jay Kristoff Swag. Eee! Thank you so much to Calla for all of this, for trading with me, and for selling me the gorgeous swag :D I'm so in love with all of it. Thank you lovely.
House of Salt and Sorrows. OH MY GOD! I won the special ARC :D EEE! Thank you so so so much Erin. <3 I will be reading it very shortly and will post instagram pictures and I am beyond excited. So precious.
Furyborn Swag. Thank you the most to Whitney for this gorgeous Furyborn swag. <3 It is so very pretty.
How To Train Your Dragon 3. A few books, haha :D More below. I wish I could see the movie soon. Ugh.
Pop Figures. A few more pops for me, haha. I adore Ralph so much. Precious Galadriel too, eee. Love :)

How To Train Your Dragon 3. More of these precious movie books, haha :D They are all just beyond cute.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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