
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Waiting on Wednesday #377

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Sera has always felt as if she didn’t belong among her people, the Cerulean. She is curious about everything and can’t stop questioning her three mothers, her best friend, Leela, and even the High Priestess. Sera has longed for the day when the tether that connects her City Above the Sky to the earthly world below finally severs and sends the Cerulean to a new planet.

But when Sera is chosen as the sacrifice to break the tether, she doesn’t know what to feel. To save her City, Sera must throw herself from its edge and end her own life. But something goes wrong and she survives the fall, landing in a place called Kaolin. She has heard tales about the humans there, and soon learns that the dangers her mothers warned her of are real. If Sera has any hope to return to her City, she’ll have to find the magic within herself to survive.

Hardcover, 496 pages
Expected publication: January 29th 2019 by HarperTeen
Pre-Order here and here

I'm pretty curious and nervous about this book. Aaack. I have gotten an ARC of it via trading. <3 And I still have to read it. I think it looks so very gorgeous. And sounds like it could be so very good too. Eee. I'm so nervous, because I want to love it, but fear I will not. Crossing all my fingers, though, and reading soon :D
What are you waiting for on this falling Wednesday?


  1. Is this fantasy? It's not something I would normally read, but I hope you end up loving it, Carina.
    My WoW

  2. Curious about the dynamics of the characters as she has three mothers. Sure has a lovely cover.


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