
Saturday, December 15, 2018

In My Mailbox #371

Time is moving way too fast. I have managed to read three books this week too, eee. And hoping to read a lot this coming week too. Though I will be more busy, so may not be possible. Hmph. But I want to read. Which I have not felt for so very long now. It has not been an easy year for me. Sigh. I want to read again, and I'm happy about that. Health is not better, but choosing to read despite that. Ack. Also got some most precious books this week too, eee. And they are all so very lovely :D A bit behind on catching up as usual but I have finally updated my pages with my new posts, lol. Still have to update my favorites page though, ack. That one is years old. Oh. One day, haha. Have so much to do this month. So far doing okay. But so busy. Blogged a bit too. I shared my review of Courting Darkness :D Eee. This week I'm waiting on House of Salt and Sorrows. <3 Shared my review of Archimancy :) And my review of Warrior of the Wild. Ah. I'm not feeling good with my health, but I'm reading, and I'm pleased with that. And I'm loving December the most, eee. Christmas month is the best :D Though, ha. I have no more money left, haha. But love buying presents :) What are you all doing this month? I'm hoping to read much more before January. <3 Excited.

Queen of Air and Darkness. EEE! Some of my copies have arrived, haha :D Still waiting on more, gosh. <3 My waterstones exclusives. So gorgeous. And my regular hardcover that is the one I will read, haha :)
Undying. Ahh! AUS paperback edition :D I am SO very excited to read this sequel very very shortly. <3
Sawkill Girls. Most precious. Had to have this :D But not the audio version I prefer. Gah. Still gorgeous.
Pop Figures. Some exclusives :D They are all gorgeous. Finally got the regular Dustin pop. <3 So lovely.

More Instagram photos here. <3

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you got some fun goodies. I have so much to do! Can't believe Christmas is in a week. Yikes!


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