
Saturday, November 10, 2018

In My Mailbox #366

This week haven't been going all that well. Hmm. But I did read one regular sized book, finally. Ahh! My re-read of The Scorpio Races. <3 My most precious. And it was the first book I have read and loved in two whole months. What. So rude. I am planning on reading a bunch more this coming week :D Fingers crossed for me. Not feeling the best, as I had my first wisdom tooth removed on Thursday. It hurts. Can't open my mouth right and cannot chew right and only half taste things I eat. It sucks. And I think I have a cheek infection, because there is puss coming out, and I think that is the only place that hurts so. Inside of my cheek. Ugh. Because the dentist cut me with something, I think. Hmph. If not better by Monday, I have to go back. Which will be beyond painful, and I do not want that at all. Keep fingers crossed it will get better for me? Only blogged twice this week. Aaack. I shall be better. I'm waiting on The Clockwork Ghost :D And shared my review of The Scorpio Races. <3 Ninth read. Ahh. It's the most precious for me. I have taken new pictures of books to sell this week, and it's breaking my heart a little that I have to sell so many. Sigh. But no room. Need to get rid of older ones. Ack. But, no one is buying. Hopefully soon. I also got some stunning mail this week :D Eee. I love it all so very much. <3 I had a good week, despite all the pain. Hoping it will be better tomorrow :) Also! I have a giveaway for two finished copies of Borrowed. Which looks like such an amazing book. And it has so so so very few entries. Any chance you all could enter it? :D If you win, I am very sure you will like the book. <3 Thank you. Hope you are all doing well :)

The Sea of Monsters. Now pretty sure that I have all the graphic novels, haha :D Had to have them all. <3
The Mortal Instruments Graphic Novel 2. I adore these books. Love this artist. Must re-read the books :D
Shadow in the North + Tin Princess. Now own all four from this series :D Hoping to read them all soonish.
Pippin No Lickin'. Yay! This looks adorable :D Thank you so much JKS Communications for this one :D
Lady Sherlock Swag. Ahh! Thank you so much Sherry for this most gorgeous swag :D So in love with it.
Pop Figures. Eee! A whole bunch of new ones. Love my Coraline ones. So cute. They are all adorable.

The Raven's Tale. EEE! Thank you so much Abrams for approving me for this one :D I'm SO EXCITED.
White Stag. Ahh! So excited to be taking part in the blog tour for this one :D Thank you so St. Martins :D

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. The Raven's tale looks very interested. Looove the cover <3

  2. I don't have the Sea of Monsters graphic novel yet- but I definitely need to get it. :)


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