
Saturday, November 3, 2018

In My Mailbox #365

Another week gone by. Way too fast. Ahh. I read a short book this week; a very short one. But I am going to start my re-read of The Scorpio Races tomorrow, finally :D And hoping that will make me want to read more other books too. Fingers crossed. I have done a bunch of house things this week, and a tiny bit of catching up. A bit more behind right now. Ahhh. Plus side, my laptop is finally back from service :D Eee. And it is so so good to have my laptop back. Sigh. It's so much better. I do wish they had given me a new one, sigh, but I shall survive. So far, the problems seems to have been fixed. So yay for that. I just have not had any time to catch up yet. But soon. I hope. Need to get everything done before December. Today I have seen two movies at the cinema with my nephew, and cleaned cat pee. Ugh. My hips are killing me with pain right now. It's the worst. But I'm surviving, haha. Probably :D Also more blog posts this week :D Though they were all later in the week, ack. This week I'm waiting on Soul of the Sword. <3 I shared my review of Orgo Runners: The First Run :) I'm taking part in the blog tour for Borrowed :D Psst, enter the giveaway. Then I shared the gorgeous cover for Immunity. <3 Would mean the most to me if you would leave a comment. Thank you so so much to all of you that do so :D I will comment back. Soon. Just so behind. Hmph. And ahh! This mail week! I am dying :D So so much awesome. A bunch of trades. Some bought. Some ARCs gotten. Sigh. It is all precious and perfect. <3 This week have been pretty great :)

Percy Jackson. Realized I was missing some of the graphic novels, so working on getting all of them :)
The Hidden Blade. Ordered this at the end of august, with my other Sherry books, just now arrived. Ack.
Shiver + Linger. EEE! Thank you so much for trading these ARCs with me Megan :D I am so so happy.
City of Ghosts. Love! Thank you so much Amanda for this awesome ARC trade :D I love it so much. <3
Furyborn ARC Box. Minus the ARC :D Eee! Thank you so much Iryna for this amazing trade :D Love it.
Six of Crows paperback set. Final part of a trade with Jordan :D Thank you so much. Had to have these.
A Map of Days. I know, I hated book three. But I couldn't help it. I want to know what happens, haha :)
Song for a Whale. Eee! Thank you so much to RHC for sending me this book for the blog tour :D Love.
Sleepover at the Museum. Taking part in this blog tour; thank you so much RHC :D So excited to read it.
The Tiger in the Well + The Ruby in the Stone. Two of four arrived. Have not read this series just yet :D
Coraline. Eee! My Coraline doll has arrived :D And ahh! She is gorgeous. Love. And first of my pops :D

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. The Six of Crows paperbacks are GORGEOUS! Re-reading old favorites always helps my reading slumps so I hope you enjoy your reread of The Scorpio Races.

    Thanks for sharing,
    ~Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

  2. So many books that I love in your mailbox this week. Love the Coraline doll. :)

  3. Great helpfull material you have posted here vivesexshop


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