
Saturday, October 27, 2018

In My Mailbox #364

Another week gone by waaay too fast. And I have not read anything since I read Coraline last Saturday. Ahh. I just don't want to read any of the books I have. Hmph. Even though I have hundreds and hundreds of books unread. I just do not feel like reading any of them right now. Sigh. But I want to read. I do. Just hard to get back to it, I suppose. Also because of my health, which is no better at all. Hmph. So only two blog posts this week. Aw. More next week, for sure. I will read. I shared my review of Coraline :) And this week I'm waiting on King of Fools. I have also been sorting some of my books yesterday and today. And found more that I shall try selling. Ahh. Around a hundred books picked out so far. It's breaking my heart, but they do have to go. Sigh. I shall survive. Probably. Then there is The Haunting of Hill House. Eee. My newest obsession. I'm loving it so very much. Well, I mean, I saw all episodes last Sunday and Monday, and have currently seen seven episodes of my second watch, haha. I'm loving it the most. Eee. This is a show that I shall watch a bunch of times. Sigh. Love how well it is made. And creepy. And just wonderful. Have you seen it yet? If not, you must. It's the very best. So anyway. My health still sucks. I'm still forever behind, but slowly catching up a little. Still waiting on my laptop that is away at service. Waiting on some stunning mail too, eee. I'm excited. Also got a bunch of precious books this week that I love so much :D

Six of Crows. Ahh, look at this gorgeous UK collector's edition :D It is so perfect. Love it the most. <3
Invictus. Paperback edition :D I own them all, haha. Enjoyed this book a bunch. <3 And love this author.
The Becoming of Noah Shaw. Forever behind on this series. Gosh. I loved them back then. Own them all.
Spirit Animals. From a trade with Jordan :D Only Victoria book I did not own yet. <3 It looks so stunning.
Jurassic World 2. Excited about seeing this movie again soonish. I very much love my dinosaurs, haha :)
Sawkill Girls. Ahh! Thank you so much Asha :D I'm dying. I love love this UK ARC version so much. <3
Shades of Magic. Eeee! My first owned comic books. Expensive, but worth it. One issue, all so perfect.

Warrior of the Wild. Ahh! I wanted this one when it showed up on Netgalley, but it was not possible to get then. But days later, I looked at it again, and this time I could download it. And eee! I am so excited :D Yet also so nervous. I very much want to love this book. But I have had such bad luck with all my books lately, so I'm worried. But fingers crossed. I shall read it very soon :)

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. That edition of Six of Crows is so pretty! I love the black and red. And how neat to be able to add the Sawkill Girls manuscript to your LeGrand collection!

  2. I have been hearing awesome things about Haunting on Hill House!

    Lots of great mail!


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