
Saturday, October 13, 2018

In My Mailbox #362

It's getting darker and darker these days. Ahh. Which means all my pictures will start getting darker too. Hmph. How rude. I want winter to be over already, haha. It is also so cold most of the time too. I haven't taken my spa bath done yet, but it must be done this month sometime. I don't want to, lol. I have not been good at reading lately at all. Ugh. I finished Beneath the Citadel this week, but yeah, it was not good. Two stars. My latest five reads have all been three stars and below. I am so disappointed. And so so goddamn tired of reading bad books. Ugh. I need something aamazing to read. But unsure what I have that will be amazing. Hmm. I do have tons and tons to choose from, though, haha. I just need the energy to read as well :) Which I still do not have. At all. Got more medicine this week, though that is still not working for the rest of me. I'm also currently using a very very old laptop, which is not very good, because I had to send in my own for service, hoping to get a new one, as it has been having issues for ages. Sobs. So I'm now without my laptop for weeks, probably. I'm sad. But I shall survive. Probably. Also need to get started on catching up too. Soon. A few blog posts this week. Shared my review of Beneath the Citadel :) This week I'm waiting on Pumpkinheads. <3 And yesterday was my Seven Years of Blogging day, ahh :D Time has gone by so so fast. <3 I also got a whole bunch of stunning mail this week. Gosh. October has been so crazy so far with all the books out, lol. Loving all of them. <3 But gosh, no more room. Ahh! Save me :)

Shadow of the Fox. Such a gorgeous finished copy :D I adore Julie. <3 This book was pretty good too.
Vengeful. So gorgeous :D Unsure when I will be brave enough to read it, though, haha. But it is stunning.
Clash of Beasts. I have only read book one of this trilogy so far, ack, but will catch up one day :D So cute.
Grim Lovelies. Hardcover and intl paperback :D Both so so gorgeous. I adored this book. Love the cover.
Renegades. Second paperback has arrived, haha :D My Renegades collection is so crazy big. Gosh. <3
The Hollow of Fear. This finished copy is all kinds of gorgeous :D And I loved this book beyond words. <3
Give the Dark My Love + A World Without You + Rebel Rising + Swag. EEE! Thank you so much to Beth and Malaprops Bookstore for letting me order these books to be personalized :D EEE! I love them all so so so very much. <3 Sigh. Beth is the best. And the swag! I am dying. It's so perfect. Sigh. Thank you. <3
Pop Figures. These new nutcracker pops are so gorgeous :D I love them. Spyro is pretty much adorable.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Hey I like your blog 🙂
    Please visit my blog for more book Review

  2. Yesterday, was the first day that it felt like Autumn here and I'm loving it. I am the opposite though, I love the cold. Looks like you got so many great goodies. Can't wait to see all of your thoughts on the books.

    Thanks for sharing,
    ~Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

  3. I love fall- such a pretty shot that you shared. :)


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