
Saturday, October 6, 2018

In My Mailbox #361

It has been almost two weeks now with me not reading anything. Aaack. The surgery for my nose pretty much killed me. Ugh. Just been so so so exhausted and got a bad cold as well, which still is not gone, so yeah. I'm further behind. And sick. And hurting. And so goddamn tired of it. I read a few pages of Beneath the Citadel yesterday, and will be reading more tonight and tomorrow. Might take me a few days to finish, as I need more time. Sigh. And more energy. Hmph. But still. Had a good week, despite not getting much done :) I have been spending every day with nephew, like usual, but this past week we have been playing The Incredibles together on my Switch. It's been fun. Adore this game. We are above 96% done, played since last Friday. Ack. Oh, well. It's been great, though it's taken a lot of my energy. Hmph. As I have not read anything, and am so behind on everything, I only had two new blog posts this week. Ack. Shared the cover reveal for Blastaway. <3 And this week I'm waiting on Courting Darkness :D I also got a whole lot of new books this week, aaack. Too much. But they are all perfect. I could not resist. October is a big month for new books. Love everything that I got so so very much. Just wishing I will have more energy soon. So I can read more. So that I can finally start commenting again. And catch up to other things as well. Hmph.

La Belle Sauvage. Eee! New US collector's edition. It is gorgeous. Regular and signed. Love it so much.
Coraline. Special hardcover edition of Coraline :D I have not read this book yet, but I will. This year. Yess.
Sawkill Girls. Eee! One of my two hardcovers. <3 And gosh, it is gorgeous. Love it so much :D Best book.
Renegades. One of two, ack :D Just so stunning. Love this new paperback edition. Loved this book tons.
His Dark Materials. Love this boxed set. <3 Have two now, but I read those.. and ahh. Needed one whole.
Nightfall. Beyond behind on this stunning series, ahh, but I still need to own all the editions of it, haha :D
Beneath the Citadel. Currently reading this one, and hoping it will end up being amazing :D Want it to be.
Grave Mercy + Dark Triumph + Mortal Heart. Eee! New US paperback covers :D Love this series+covers.
Two Dark Reigns. Stunning UK version is finally out now too :D And I am very in love with this cover. <3
Mary and the Witch's Flower. Yesss. Finally I will get to watch this one :D In English, lol. Cannot wait. <3
Sky in the Deep. Ahh! LOVE! The audiobook versions that I love, haha :D Was SO cheap on AmazonUK.
Coraline. EEE! I found a US place to order this from, and I am so pleased :D Love this tiny doll. <3 Cute.
Pop Figures. Couldn't help but get this The Witch villain goat devil thing, haha :D So cute. And Maui. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love the Coraline doll. I have been wanting to start the Keeper of Lost Cities series. Hopefully one day soon.


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