
Saturday, September 29, 2018

In My Mailbox #360

I did not imagine it was possible for me to feel even more exhausted than I have for these past months. But I do. Right now. I had a small operation earlier this week, where I got rid of false tonils and such in my nose. It went okay. I had no pain right after, which I'm so happy about. Well, except for the doctor trying to kill me for a moment. Ugh. I survived, though. But the past days after having gotten home have been bad. I'm even more tired and exhausted than usual. Hmph. And hurting a bit too in my face. I'm hoping it is just healing, and that everything will finally start hurting less shortly. Fingers crossed for me, please. Anyway. A few new posts. I shared my review of Library of Souls. And ahh. It ruined me. So so bad. Sigh. I shared the cover for Kingsbane :D Eee! SO stunning. This week I'm waiting on Archenemies. <3 Cannot wait for that precious. I wish I had more energy right now. I need to start reading Beneath the Citadel. Which will hopefully happen tomorrow. Should have started days ago. I need to catch up to tweets and emails and comments. I am forever behind. I don't want to be, but I have no energy for anything. At all. Sigh. Hoping it will get better shortly. Fingers crossed for me, please. Also! I got such stunning mail this week, eee :D SO in love with all of it. <3 But gosh, so little room. Ahhh. But I could not help myself from getting these.

The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein. Eee! I loved this book SO VERY MUCH. It is so stunning.
Give the Dark My Love. Ahh, hardcover and intl paperback has arrived :D Both stunning. Loved this one.
Two Dark Reigns. Eee, the stunning international paperback edition :D It is so gorgeous. Loved this book.
Resistance. I'm forever behind on reading Jennifer's books, ack, but I am sure that I will love them all :D
The School for Good and Evil. EEE! New paperback covers! And oh my gosh. They are so GORGEOUS.
His Dark Materials. I cannot help but order everything from these books. These UK covers are stunning.
Percy Jackson. Stunning graphic novel version :D I have not read the graphic novels, but I will, one day.
Graceling. Eee! A new special UK 10 year edition :D It looks so so stunning. Gosh, how I love this book.
Reign the Earth. Finally got myself the stunning AUS paperback edition of this book :D I loved it so much.
The Knowing. This second book was a bit mixed for me, but gosh, I needed the paperback of it too, haha.
Once Upon a Time in the North. New UK paperback edition, which looks stunning. I loved this short story.
Sea Witch swag. Huge thank you to Sarah for this stunning pre-order swag :D Love it. Must read it soon.
Pop Figure. Another of the new Harry Potter ones that I was missing :D He looks so so awesome, haha.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I hope you're feeling better again soon, dear! I'll keep you in my thoughts. This is a beautiful haul! I'm reading Elizabeth Frankenstein right now and really enjoying it!

  2. Even though you weren't feeling well- I hope all the goodies you got in your mailbox cheered you up. Look at all the fun books and other great items. :)


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