
Monday, September 24, 2018

Cover Reveal: Kingsbane by Claire Legrand

EEEEEE! I AM SO EXCITED! There is a cover for Kingsbane :D The sequel to Furyborn. <3 Eeeee! Is it May 21st 2019 yet? I need this book in my life. There are going to be ARCs. And I'll be heartbroken every day until I may be able to get my hands on one of them. Gosh. Need it the most, when it comes available. Ahh. But anyway :D KINGSBANE. I am dying. That is such an awesome title :D EEE! I loved Furyborn so so very much. Can't believe it's already almost been one year since I read it; in November. I must re-read soon. Cannot wait. Yet so nervous, haha. I fear that Kingsbane will ruin me. Yet I cannot wait. So beyond excited. I love Claire the very most. She is the kindest and sweetest person. And such an amazing author too, eee. I have loved all of her books. So very much. Kingsbane is going to be epic. And I cannot wait to be able to get to read it. I mean, look at that cover! I'm dying! It's beyond beautiful. Eeee. I love the colors. I love the design. I love everything about it. Sigh. Just, dying to read this most precious thing. I need more Rielle and Audric, eee. And more of everyone, of course :D Also! The reveal post link below has a teaser from the beginning of the book; with a young Simon. I adored it. Gosh, how I want all of this book already.

Rielle Dardenne has been anointed Sun Queen, but her trials are far from over. The Gate keeping the angels at bay is falling. To repair it, Rielle must collect the seven hidden castings of the saints. Meanwhile, to help her prince and love Audric protect Celdaria, Rielle must spy on the angel Corien — but his promises of freedom and power may prove too tempting to resist. Centuries later, Eliana Ferracora grapples with her new reality: She is the Sun Queen, humanity’s long-awaited savior. But fear of corruption — fear of becoming another Rielle — keeps Eliana’s power dangerous and unpredictable. Hunted by all, racing against time to save her dying friend Navi, Eliana must decide how to wear a crown she never wanted — by embracing her mother’s power, or rejecting it forever.

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