
Saturday, August 18, 2018

In My Mailbox #354

I had planned on reading more than one book this week. But that did not happen. Simply had no energy at all this week. Gosh. In pain all the time, which completely sucks. Sigh. Trying to stay positive, but it is hard. Aw. I just want to feel okay. With no pain. So I may finally do things again. Hmph. And start catching up and commenting again. I'm two and a half months behind on commenting. Which is over 300 posts to comment on. Yeah. I need to catch up. But need to feel up to it as well, and so far I'm not. Not even close. Uugh. Hospital/more medicine again this coming week, so hoping to get more answers about this heavy exhaustion. Fingers crossed. So anyway. Few posts this week, since I only read one book. Ack. Hoping to start Sherwood tonight, eee. And ahh! I'm seeing The Meg tomorrow night. I am beyond excited. Eee. Shark movies are the best. Anyway. I shared my review of Through the White Wood :) Oh. This week I'm waiting on Comet Rising. <3 Last week I did not get any books, but ahh, this week I got a bunch :D Eee. Love them all so very much. Sigh. Anyway. Cross your fingers for me, please, that I will feel better soon :)

Catwoman. I am crossing all my fingers that I will love this one. First and only Sarah book for me, haha.
The Dark Vault. Eee, I adored the first book. Still need to read the second one. Gosh. Reading both soon.
Star-Touched Stories. I have not read the books by this author yet, but I own them, had to have this too.
Before She Ignites. My Jodi collection just keeps growing and growing, haha. Had to have this one too :)
Stormdancer ARC. I am dying. Thank you so very much Elizabeth for trading with me :D Love it the most.
Magnus Chase Coloring Book. Couldn't help but own this one :D Still need to catch up to all these books.
Blue Lily, Lily Blue + Swag. Eee! So much love :D Thank you the most to Whitney for trading with me. <3
King of Scars Sampler. Ahh! My precious! Thank you so so much for trading with me Donna :D Love it so.
Pop Figures. Eee, more of my new Harry Potter pop figures :D These are just so beyond adorable. Love.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Ahh, interesting! I didn't realize they put the Archived books into one volume! I may have to get that! :D I'm sorry to hear you're so exhausted, lovely. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  2. Looks like you got a lot of great things in the mail! I really need to read the Stormdancer books.

    I hope you feel better soon, Carina!

    Thanks for sharing,
    ~Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

  3. Catwoman book is good! As well as other Sarah J. Maas books..❤❤❤


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