
Saturday, July 14, 2018

In My Mailbox #349

This week have gone by way too fast. It took me way too long to start reading the trilogy I was supposed to, ack, so I have only read one book so far. But going to get the other two read this weekend, I hope. My current reading list is huge and beyond amazing. Eee. I'm so happy. I simply cannot wait to read all these awesome books. Just, well, need to make myself start reading more. Ugh. I just have so little energy, still. Despite how my stomach is so, so much better. I'm still tired all the time and exhausted. How rude. Yet I want to read. I just cannot make myself start a book, haha. But I will read this summer. And a lot too. So far behind. On everything. And have tons of great books to read that I'm super excited about. This week I only blogged twice, ack. Oh, well. <3 This week I'm waiting on Two Dark Reigns :D And I shared my third review of Menagerie. <3 Although I have not read much, or done any catching up this week, gosh, I have been so busy. Lots of time spent with family, like always. And lots of time spent outside when the sun was up. And spa bath almost every day. Sigh. Love it so. Do not want summer to end. Though I do want it to stop being windy; because it is way too cold for summer. Rude. Anyway. I'm doing mostly okay. I also got so, so much stunning mail this week, ahh, and I am dying :D So so happy and thankful. <3 Love it all so.

The Golden Compass + Imprison the Sky + Sadie. AHH! Thank you so so much to Kat for trading these most gorgeous ARCs with me :D So happy to have these. Eee. I cannot wait to read Imprison the Sky.
Give the Dark My Love + Warcross. Eee! Dying! Biggest thank you to PRH International. SO excited :D
Godsgrave. Stunning UK paperback edition is now out. Such a gorgeous cover. Sigh. This ruined me.
Bright We Burn. Could not resist owning the UK paperback; to complete my collection of these books :D
Pop Figures. Eee, IT figures have arrived. So awesome. And more Moana and Stranger Things. Love.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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