
Saturday, July 7, 2018

In My Mailbox #348

Another week gone by. And so fast too. Still waiting for summer over here. Ugh. 11C outside and rain. So rude. But looks like next week will be around 20C every day and sunshine. Just, please, no wind. It has been windy every week so far and it suuucks. So cold. I need summer heat already. Hmph. Ouch. I went to the doctor this Monday and had a mole removed. It was not simple like it was before.. about ten needle sticks first, then a lot of cutting and sewing and ahhh. It still hurts. Ugh. Removing the stitches next week. Hoping it won't hurt forever. Hmph. My (most likely) broken little toe still hurts when I move it too much. But it's better at least, so that's good. Medicine is still mostly working, so yay for that. I'm still exhausted and tired all the time, though, and I think that might be a new disease. Ugh. So rude. But anyway. This week was pretty good :) I'm playing a lot of PokemonGO, all the time, haha. And spa baths almost every day. So good. I only managed to read one book this week, rude. But I have planned to read more this coming week; hopefully I will manage that. Fingers crossed. My reading list is so huge. Ack. Only two new blog posts. This week I'm waiting on Willa of the Woods :D And shared my review of Aftermath. <3 Also gosh! The mail this week! I am dying of happiness :D Eeeee. It is all so so so awesome. Sigh. Love.

Dreaming Dangerous. So excited to read another MG book by Lauren, eee :D Think I will love it so much.
The Girl With the Ghost Machine. Paperback edition. <3 I own all copies of her MG books; so much love.
Fire + Rebel of the Sands. AHH! Thank you so so much Calla for trading with me :D I AM DYING! LOVE!
Crash Bandicoot. I remember playing this years ago; and I cannot wait to try this version :D Very excited.
Pop Figures. Gosh. Everyone arrived at the same time, haha :D All of them shipped a month ago; such slow shipping. Ugh. Still waiting on a few, but gosh, these are all perfect. My Stranger Things collection is just growing and growing :D Love them all. And more Moana :D And Harry Potter. Eee. Love. Also could not resist the Star Wars one, haha, despite not ever having watched one of those movies. Ack. So cute.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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