
Saturday, June 30, 2018

In My Mailbox #347

This week I managed to read two books. So yay for finally reading a little :D My health is mostly okay. Stomach is way better after new medicine, yesss. But the rest of me is exhausted and hurting and tired. Ugh. I also forgot to mention last week that I broke my little toe. Ahhh! It still hurts. I skipped the last step in my staircase, so I fell. It did not end well for me. Ugh. But it's getting better. Probably. I'm doing okay, though. This week I shared my review of Shadow of the Fox :) And I am waiting on Through the White Wood. <3 Then I shared my review of Bright We Burn :) Ack. I also got a lot of stunning mail this week, eee. I love it all so very much. Sigh. Some pretty bought books and lovely swag. And gosh, the trades I have done this week. I am dying. Maybe arriving next week, ahh :D I cannot wait. Sigh. So happy. <3 But also out of money, haha ;) Anyway. I'm hoping to be able to read lots more this coming week. Wait. No. I don't think I will have much time to read at all. Ahh. We are finally, finally getting some heat and sun this coming week, eee :D I cannot wait to finally be able to be outside again, haha. Been too long now with 10c and less and no sun. How rude. I need some heat. I had a pretty good week, though, so yay for that.

My Plain Jane. Yay! Hardcover finally arrived :D And it is so lovely. I loved this book a whole bunch. <3
Godsgrave. Ack. US paperback edition. Must have for my collection, haha. And it is all kinds of gorgeous.
Warcross. Okay, this cover is actually pretty stunning. Very much liked this book and love this paperback.
Now I Rise. Gah. I could not resist owning the new US paperback edition for my big collection. I love it.
All the Crooked Saints. A new UK paperback edition that I had to buy :D Gosh, I must read this one soon.
Imaginary Friends. I have the full book, but this small sampler version of it was too pretty to pass up on :D
Contagion Swag. Eee! Thank you so, so much Erin :D I am beyond thrilled with this stunning swag. <3

Fury. AHHH! Thank you so so so much to the lovely publisher for accepting my request to read this book via Edelweiss :D Eeee! I am SO excited to finish this trilogy. <3 Gosh. But first I must re-read book one and two :) Very shortly. But also, I have peeked, and I am so not sure my heart will survive. Ugh. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3

1 comment:

  1. Great haul! I really want to check out Warcross. It sounds absolutely awesome. Happy reading!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian


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