
Saturday, June 23, 2018

In My Mailbox #346

Yeah. I had planned on reading lots this week. That did not happen. Haven't read a single thing. Ahh. But I am starting Shadow of the Fox today. I am. I will. I must. I want to read so so badly, but never have the time. Sigh. Always so busy, always so exhausted. I mean, I don't even have time to watch movies. Hmph. Or catch up. Ugh. But I got second dose of the new medicine this week, so I think it should start working more now. Fingers crossed. But oh, mail! I got such stunning mail this week, eee :D Some most gorgeous ARCs that I shall treasure so so much. Sigh. They are all perfect. Because of no reading, and no energy, I only blogged once. Ack. This week I'm waiting on Warrior of the Wild. <3 I also saw Jurassic World 2 at the cinema this week. And I loved it. But ahh, the next one isn't out for another three years? How rude. I want it now. So anyway. This week has been going by so so fast. But it's been good too. Just exhausted and sad that I haven't read at all. Hmph. But hoping for more energy now :) And much more time to read.

A Reaper at the Gates. Hardcover has arrived. Ahh. I need to read these three books soon. Nervous.
Strange New World. I now own both books, ack :D Hoping I will love them. I do adore this author a lot.
Sea Monsters. Eee, new Pip book. I must read the first two ones, though, haha. Will do so very soon :D
Pyromantic. Finally got myself the paperback edition. I loved book one. And must read this sequel soon.
The School for Good and Evil. Ahhh! Thank you so much Daphne :D UK ARC! I am DYING. Love it so.
Onyx & Ivory + Rose Under Fire. Love. Thank you so much Jaime for these two most gorgeous ARCs :D
Sawkill Girls + Pip Bartlett. Oh gosh. I'm pretty much dying. AHH! Thank you so much Xander :D Gosh. You are the best. Ahhh. I am beyond thrilled with these ARCs :D Eee! My Claire collection is complete :D
Pop Figures. Yesss. Jurassic World pops are here :D They are gorgeous. Love. And my Steve pop too :D
Bookmarks. Eee, more HappyHello bookmarks :D Oh, they are all so perfect. Just gorgeous. Love them.

More Instagram photos here. <3

1 comment:

  1. What a pretty edition of School for Good and Evil! You always get such amazing bookmail, dear!


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