
Saturday, May 26, 2018

In My Mailbox #342

Gosh, time is moving so fast these days. Barely have time to do anything. Ahh. But doing good, even so. Have not read much, but the days are going by so fast. Only had one day with sun and heat this week, but I sat out for hours. It was awesome. We are having so much wind, though, which sucks. Hmph. I'm working on catching up to things. Still so behind, though. Health still sucks more than anything. I'm finally hearing something new from the hospital next week. I hope. I need medicine that will work. Been so much more sick for so long, and I am goddamn tired of it. No energy for reading. No energy for catching up. No energy for cleaning. No energy for watching movies, even. What. So so tired of this. But yeah. I still hope they will give me a medicine that works shortly. Fingers crossed for me, please. So anyway. Despite my health, I still had a good week :D Lots of spa baths, eee, and lots of time spent with my family, as always. I also cut my hair even shorter this week. Ahh. I love it so. But gosh, it is very very very short right now. If I ever feel well enough, I shall try taking a new profile picture, lol. Hoping to be able to read more shortly. I wish to read, just not able to. Rude :) There are eARCs that I want on Edelweiss and on Netgalley. I keep getting declined on Edelweiss. Ahh. So so heartbroken about it. And not hearing anything from Netgalley. Sigh. I want these books. Hmph. Crossing my fingers. <3 I got some stunning mail this week. Not much, but it is all so so awesome :D I also blogged a little. Shared my review for Smoke in the Sun. Ahh. Not good. This week I'm waiting on Wildcard. <3 And I shared the cover for Archenemies :D Eee. Love it so.

The Queens of Innis Lear. Unsure about this one. I hope it will be good, but sounds so so much like 3DC.
My Plain Jane. EEE! Thank you so much Rachael for trading with me :D I am so so happy. Reading soon.
All the Rage. Ahh! Love this UK ARC so very much. Thank you so very much for trading with me Beth :D
Pop Figures. Eee, another Stranger Things one :D He is so cute. Love. And finally have this Ariel version.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. need to read lady jane, also curious about that tessa gratton book. is it an adult fantasy novel?

  2. Awww what a cutie! I love her little bonnet. Girl I'm so behind on everything blog and social related! It's a cycle of having myself together and then dropping off the face of the earth. *facepalm* Anyway. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a lovely week, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  3. Sorry you are not feeling well still. Hope the doctors have some better options for you.

    What a cutie she is in her little bonnet. Adorable!


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