
Saturday, May 19, 2018

In My Mailbox #341

This week have been filled with sunny days and I have loved it. But gosh, how I am beyond exhausted. Have been sitting outside for hours each day in the sun, me and my cat. So good with the sun heat. And I have gotten so so so tan. But have had so little time to read. Ahh. I'm working on Smoke in the Sun, but so slow. Shall read a lot today, I hope. Also still behind on everything else. As this week I have been out in the sun most of the day, then taken my two hour long spa bath every evening. But now it shall be a few days with no sun, so I'm hoping to be able to read a lot and catch up too. Fingers crossed. My health also still sucks the most, though. Sigh. But must continue with this medicine at least until June 7th. Hopefully then they will realize that they must give me something else. So anyway. A bit of blogging. I shared about the cover reveal for Courting Darkness :D I shared my review for Flame in the Mist. <3 Then shared my reviews for Okami & Yumi :D This week I'm waiting on Muse of Nightmares :) I did not get a lot of mail this week, but got a little bit, and it is all so so awesome :D Eee! And waiting on much more, ack. Love.

A Reaper at the Gates. Gosh. Thank you so so much PRH International :D EEE! I am SO happy to have this ARC. It's gorgeous. But gosh. Now I must read my hardcovers of book one and two. Ahh. And very soon. Next month. I'm nervous. Yet I really really wish to love this fantasy books. Crossing all my fingers.
Lord of Shadows. New UK paperback version :D I cannot help but own all versions of these books, eee.
Pop Figures. Fury Road :D Eee! And the rest of my Jurassic Park pops. Love. And Will and Gollum. Love.

More Instagram photos here. <3

1 comment:

  1. Omg, Carina, you have A Reaper at the Gates! It's one of my most anticipated releases of this year. Hope you enjoy book one and two. :D

    Aww, that's nice that you've been able to enjoy the sunny weather!


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