
Saturday, April 28, 2018

In My Mailbox #338

Gosh, time is moving fast these days. I barely have time to do anything, haha. My health is the very very worst, and nothing helps. Hospital on Monday, though, so fingers crossed. But despite my bad health, I'm doing good. Read such a good book this week. Eee. AND! My spa bath is up! AHHH! I am SO happy :D Have taken a two hour + bath every day, and it is so good. <3 The heat is perfect. So happy that I could take it out so early this week. Sigh. Also got some gorgeous mail this week, and so happy about that too. <3 Just wishing my health would get better. I'm doing better at catching up, but still behind. But I'm getting there. Slowly. Also blogged some this week. I took part in the blog tour for Ash Princess :) This week I'm waiting on Vengeful. <3 Posted my review of Sawkill Girls :D Then I took part in the blog tour for Sky in the Deep. <3 Week was good. Bath is good. Health sucks. But I'm dealing with it. How are you all doing?

Furyborn. Oh. Arrived way too early. One of my pre-orders. <3 But gosh, how this hardcover is stunning.
Sky in the Deep. Eee, first hardcover has arrived :D It is SO gorgeous. Loved this book so so very much.
Flame in the Mist. Finally have this first book; so now I can read both of them :D Eee. Very very shortly.
Inferno. Ack, final book :D I must start the first one soon. I adore Julie. Cannot wait to read this series too.
Given to the Sea. Won this signed awesome book from Mindee :D Thank you lovely. <3 It looks so good.
Furyborn Swag. Thank you so much Page158Books for this most gorgeous pre-order swag :D Love it so.
Sky in the Deep Swag. EEE! Thank you Adrienne for this amazing pre-order swag :D I am so happy. <3

Sawkill Girls. Eee! Yesss! This precious thing finally showed up on Edelweiss, eee :D And I downloaded it right away, lol. <3 And have read it too. And loved it so much. Sigh. Most precious. Need the print ARC to complete my collection though. <3 Just, such a good book. You are all going to love it too. So much.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I need to read Sky in the Deep. I'm glad you were able to blog some this past week. It's great to be back, for sure.

    Happy reading!

  2. Your spa bath looks absolutely amazing Carina, I wish I had one of those, and I really hope your health gets better!

  3. Yay for the spa bath. So glad you have been able to enjoy it. Sorry to hear about your bad health. Hope the visit to the hospital helps!

  4. Sky in the Deep! So much love for that book. I hope you're doing well, Carina!

    Have a wonderful week. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  5. So many pretties this week! I hope your health improves soon! Lovely post :)

    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles


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