
Saturday, April 21, 2018

In My Mailbox #337

Tine is moving so fast lately. I barely have time for anything. How rude. But gosh, it's almost May. I turn 25 on the 3rd. Eee. And I shall be getting up my outdoor spa bath shortly, I hope, and oh my gosh, I'm so excited. This winter has lasted forever and my body need the hot water so badly. Anyway. This week I read two books, YAY :D Feeling happy about that. But haha. First was a one star. First one star in a long time. But second book was a five, so I'm happy about that. I also got so much stunning mail this week, and I love it all so so so much. <3 It's so stunning. My current reading list is the very best, eee :D But I'm also not feeling very well lately. My energy level is about zero. Medicine still not working. Stomach feels like it is killing me. I'm trying to stay positive, but it is hard, because of the pain all the time. It sucks. And also. I'm feeling a little sad. Am getting so so few comments on my blog lately. There was zero comments on my IMM post from last week. Breaks my heart a little. Please please comment if you are visiting. <3 Comments means the world to me. Thank you. Blogged a bunch this week, so yay for that :D I shared my review of Seafire. <3 I shared the cover for Sherwood :D Then posted my review of Ash Princess. Hmph. This week I'm waiting on Bright We Burn :) Then posted my review of Sadie. <3 So yeah. My health is all kinds of shitty. But I'm doing good, despite that. A bit behind on catching up and such, but shall get to it soonish, I hope :) Just need to feel a bit better to be able to get it all done. Love all my mail this week :D

The Fates Divide. I simply had to have the gorgeous UK paperback of this book too :D Looks stunning.
Beyond a Darkened Shore. Finally got my stunning hardcover of this book :D Adored this one so much.
Bright We Burn + Spinning Silver. LOVE! Thank you so much PRH International for these two stunning ARCs :D I am so, so excited to read both of them. Ahh. Crossing my fingers they will be amazing. <3
Queens of Fennbirn. Eee, the stunning UK paperback version :D I must read this short story book soon.
Furyborn Swag. Ahh! Thank you Foggy Pine Books :D So in love with this pre-order swag. Perfection.
LIFEL1K3 Sampler. Eee, thank you so much Whitney for getting me this gorgeous sampler :D Love it so.
Pop Figures. Eee, more Jurassic Park pops :D They are just so stunning and awesome. Love all of these.

Sadie. I was so so very lucky to get approved for this by St. Martin's Press on Netgalley, eee :D I read it right away. <3 And I loved it so much. Sigh. My poor heart, though. It was so rude. But so good. Now in even more of a desperate need to own the print ARC, though :) You must all read this book. Right away.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Ohhh Advance Happy Birthday! I hope you'll get a bunch of books. ;) I'm sick of the cold weather so that outdoor spa sounds nice.

    Lovely haul, hun!

  2. Oh my, your kitty is all fancy! LOL I hope she's not too cold without her extra fur! Oooh, Spinning Silver, I want to check that one out!


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