
Saturday, April 14, 2018

In My Mailbox #336

I just spent another week not reading. Ahhh. Last week I started a book on Friday, finished on Saturday. And this week I have done the same. Ugh. And so I'm only halfway done with Seafire right now, but will finish it today, and have my review up tonight sometime. But oh, I have SO MANY books that need to be read. Hmph. I need to read more. I think it's because I only wish to read Sawkill Girls right now. And I'm dying waiting for it, waiting for Harper to upload the fall books to Edelweiss. Ack. Hope it happens shortly. But even so. I will read more this coming week. I will. But also not having read much because my health is not better at all. Ugh. The cold I had for ages is gone, at least. But the rest of me is so bad. Medicine still not working, and I'm tired of it. Sigh. But hoping it will get better. It has to. One day, probably. Anyway :D I got so so so much awesome mail this week, eee. And I'm waiting for more too, ack :D So happy. And I'm so excited. Blogged a little bit too. I shared my review of Grim Lovelies. <3 I took part in the Beyond a Darkened Shore launch day postings :D And this week I'm waiting on Aftermath :) This week has gone by so fast. Even though I have not been able to read, the week has been good. Health sucks, and I'm trying to deal with it, but I'm still happy, so yay for that. And ahh, so much mail :D So happy with all of it. <3 Yay.

The Fates Divide. Ahh, I cannot wait to read this second book :D But I will re-read Carve the Mark first.
Fragments of the Lost. This UK paperback edition is all kinds of gorgeous. I very much liked this book.
Queens of Fennbirn. Eee, paperback of two short stories :D I cannot wait to read this one. <3 Very soon.
Smoke in the Sun + Seafire. Oh! Thank you so much PRH International for these two amazing ARCs :D I am so, so happy to be able to read and review them. Reading Seafire right now, and it's awesome. Love.
Renegades. EEE! AUS ARC :D Thank you Hannah for trading with me. <3 Now only missing the UK one.
To Kill a Kingdom. Ahhh. My precious :D Thank you sososo much Stacee. <3 I am SO happy with this :D
Graceling + The Valiant + Hourglass + Timepiece + Swag. Eee, thank you for trading all of this with me Kelly :D I love them all so much. Ahh! GRACELING :D My precious! A bit damaged, sobs, but I still love it so, so much. This trade cost me a lot, ack, but in love with these gorgeous looking ARCs. So yay for that.
Renegades ARC Box. AHH! Thank you the very most Shannon :D I am SO happy with this box. <3 Love.
Rebel of the Sands Swag. Eee, thank you Alwyn :D I am SO happy with these pre-order cards. <3 Love.
Heart of Iron Swag. My gorgeous pre-order cards have arrived :D Soso precious. Thank you Ashley. <3
Funko Pops. Eee, my LotR collection is growing more and more :D Love all of these so so much. <3 Yay.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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