
Saturday, April 7, 2018

In My Mailbox #335

I have done just about nothing this week. Well, okay, I have been busy all day long, mostly with my sister and niece and nephew. And busy being sick and just not having any energy for anything. Ugh. And so I spent so many days this week not reading. Which I'm sad about, but I did not have the health for it, and also didn't want to read anything, lol. Because I'm waiting on some awesome books, and I'm waiting for HarperTeen to add the fall books on Edelweiss. Hoping it will be in a few days, eee. Fingers crossed. But yeah. Week has gone by fast, even without reading much. But oh, how I am tired of being sick. It never seems to go away. The new medicine I started at the end of January is still not working. I don't know what to do about it. It sucks. Don't think there is anything else to try. Sigh. Trying my best to stay positive, but it is not easy. Having been sick since I was five and all. And getting worse all the time. Ugh. Tired of it. But anyway. Did a little bit of blogging this week. I shared my review of Ace of Shades :) Which I finished last Saturday. Then shared the cover reveal for Darkdawn. <3 And this week I'm waiting on Sea Witch. I also finished reading Grim Lovelies just now, and will be posting my review today too :D It was good. I also got so much mail this week, ahh. Dying a little, haha :D It's all gorgeous. And some precious ARCs too, eee :D And gosh, the mail I will be getting next week. Dying a bit just thinking about it, haha. <3 Waiting on so much awesome, and I'm feeling so lucky and so happy. Wishing my body could feel this happy too. Ugh.

Obsidio. Yay! My B&N special edition has arrived. And it is all kinds of stunning. Loved this book tons.
Ice Wolves. I adored this gorgeous middle grade book, and I love Amie. Such a stunning hardcover too.
Three Dark Crowns. Ah, this stunning US paperback edition finally came out, haha :D Love this book.
Renegades. Yesss. UK paperback edition is out, finally :D And look how gorgeous this cover is. Love it.
Miraculous Ladybug. My love for this show is huge. And this comic book version is all kinds of adorable.
Landline + And I Darken. Thank you for trading with me Polly :D I'm in love with these UK ARCs. <3 Eee.
Grim Lovelies. Oh my gosh. Thank you SO much HMH Books for sending me this one :D Loving it tons.
Sky in the Deep + Contagion. Eee! Thank you so much Steph for trading with me :D Love it all so much.
Rosemarked Prize Pack. Ahh! Thank you so so much Livia :D I am beyond thrilled to have won this grand prize pack. <3 I'm so happy. Limited manuscript of Umbertouched :D Ahh! And three personalized books. And swag. And it is all so perfect. Sniffs. See how they are all signed on my instagram, here. <3 Love it.
Hotel Transylvania. I simply love these movies. Had to have the books too. Movie three this summer :D
Furyborn. I think I have died a little. LOOK AT THIS BEAUTY. Ahhh. The most precious ARC box :D And it is finally mine, eee. <3 Thank you so, so much to a special someone for sending it to me. <3 It means the world to me. A little damaged, but I do not mind. It's so precious. Pictures on instagram later today.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Looks like you got lots of great books and goodies in your mailbox. Sorry you didn't get much reading in and that you were feeling bad. Glad you got to see your family. :)

  2. I'm looking forward to read Sky in the Deep. I think I'll like it as I remember you saying that it was kind of like Beyond a Darkened Shore, and I really enjoyed that one. :) I am so excited about Furyborn, your review is what made me want to read it!


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