
Monday, March 19, 2018

Review: Illuminae by Jay Kristoff & Amie Kaufman

My love for this book will never end. Finally got to read it for a third time, and I'm pretty sure I love it more and more each time that I read it. There is simply so much that I love about this book. Not going to write another long review of this, only going to share some parts that I loved about it. Which might end up being a lot.

One of the things I love the most about this book is the incredible writing. It's so different than other books. And so good. Illuminae is not told in the usual way. It is told through emails and security footage and pictures and things like that. And it is done so well. I loved reading this book the very most. The writing was the best.

This book takes place in space, in the year 2575. It tells the story of Kady and Ezra. Their home planet has just been attacked, and they are on two different and huge spaceships trying to get away, as another ship is hunting them. These two awesome characters have been a couple for the past year, but the day that their home is attacked she broke up with him. For a silly reason, compared to the issues they are now having. There's so much to love about this book. Kady and Ezra were the very best characters and I loved them to pieces. I shipped them tons. And getting to know them was so good. Their past together was the best. Sigh. But what I loved the most was their uncertain future. And how they went from being broken up to slowly getting back together again.

In the beginning of this book we get to read a little bit about what happened with the attack. But then it jumps forward about six months. Kady and Ezra got shipped to different escape spaceships, and they have not been together for these six months. Which I must admit made my heart hurt a little. But it also made a lot of sense, and I feel that their feelings for each other had time to become even more real in that time. They do not speak to each other for those months, although they could have done so. Hmph.

But we do learn a little bit about what they did in those months. They are on different ships, and Ezra has been training to help defend them all when the battle ship catches up to them. Kady is on the ship that is mostly just full of passengers, not a defense ship. She has spent most of the months hacking everything. And I loved that about her. She's awesome with a computer. And she is so badass and fierce and broken at times and I loved her beyond words. Reading about this girl was the best. She was simply incredible.

And then there was Ezra too. And sigh. This boy was the very best and getting to know him ruined me a little. There is so much I still need to know about him. And about Kady too. And reading about their past together was the best. And how they start talking again, after six months apart. Through emails and dms. It was the cutest thing. Their banter was the best and I just shipped them so much. Sigh. But of course, this was not a romance book. But there was a little of romance included. And it was the very best. Eee.

I'm not going to write much about this book. Already written more than what I was going to this time. Just wanted to mention how much I adored these characters. And this world created, even though most is just spent in these ships. It was awesome. The space part was so good. And oh, AIDAN. I cannot. Completely insane and fully amazing. Loved reading about this crazy computer. There is also this scary virus on this book. An outbreak happens. And it's so creepy and awful and beyond incredible. I loved it the very most.

I cannot help but mention that I adore Jay and Amie so much. Have now adored them for years, and their books together are so good. And their books alone are incredible too. I can't wait to read more from both of them. Eee. And their new series that will be out next year too, gosh. It's going to be so good. I cannot wait. But first I'm re-reading Gemina, and then finally getting to read Obsidio, and I'm so beyond excited. It's going to be the very best. But also heartbreaking, so I'm a little nervous as well. Will love it so much.

If you still have not read Illuminae, then you are truly missing out on the very best series. I mean. It is space. A killer virus. An insane artificial intelligence computer voice. The most stunning romance, though I wish there had been a bit more contact with that. Hmph. It still ruined my heart, though, and makes me so happy all the time. I can confirm that Illuminae is the best. And I'm thrilled to have read it a few times already. I shall never tire of reading this book. Illuminae is simply the best and I love this book so much.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you love this one even more with each reading. That says a lot. :)


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