
Saturday, March 31, 2018

In My Mailbox #334

This has been such a lazy week. Ack. I just haven't felt like doing anything lately. My health also sucks so badly, and I have no energy at all. Ugh. So I have not read this week. And only one blog post. Ack. But I did start Ace of Shades yesterday, and will finish it today, so review coming a bit later :D I'm enjoying it so far. And I'm planning on reading lots after this one, fingers crossed. I just need to feel better, which never seems to happen. Hmph. What I did do this week, though, was share a lot of pictures on instagram :D Which I loved. So do check that out. <3 And this week I'm waiting on Catwoman: Soulstealer :) Because of Easter, there was no mail Thursday and Friday. And no mail until Tuesday. Ahh. So I did not get a lot of books this week, but still got some, and I love it all :D Yay. But oh my gosh, the packages I'm waiting on. Gosh. I'm dying a little, just thinking about them, haha. <3 Cannot wait to share, when they arrive :D So so so excited. So anyway. This week have been a little exhausting, as I have just been sick most of the time, and not in the mood to do anything. Hmph. Not feeling any better yet, but trying to get things done even so. But still, I had a good week, and I just love spending time with my baby niece :D She's adorable.

Children of Blood and Bone. Gosh, I hope I will end up loving this one :D It seems so awesome and epic.
Obsidio. My AUS paperback version has arrived :D And it is so shiny and gorgeous and I love it so much.
Rosemarked Swag. Eee! Thank you Livia for this awesome reviewer swag :D Love it so much. Gorgeous.
Pop Figures. More of these :D So much love. The LotR ones cost me a fortune. But worth it. So stunning.
Plushes. Could not resist sharing, haha. I bought these this week, and I am in love. All so soft and cute.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I'm nearly half way through Obsidio and it's been amazing so far.

    Aww, your niece is adorable. :)

    Hope you feel better soon! x

  2. I love that Aussie cover!

    Happy reading, C!


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