
Saturday, March 24, 2018

In My Mailbox #333

This week have been both slow and long, good and bad. I re-read Illuminae and Gemina, and then read Obsidio, which was so awesome :D But my health is also the very worst, and I'm trying my best to deal with it, ugh, but it's hard too, as I'm so goddamn tired of being in pain all the time. So rude. But trying to stay positive too :) And reading lots of amazing books these days makes that very easy, eee. I got a bit of mail this week, not too much :) But now waiting on some awesome things too, and I'm just so excited. <3 But no room.. ahh. Not excited about that. Sigh. Blogged a bit :D Shared my third review of Illuminae. <3 This week I'm waiting on Grim Lovelies :D Then shared my second review of Gemina :) And my review of Obsidio, eee. <3 Not much mail, but love it all. Health bad, but trying to stay positive :) Had a good week.

Obsidio. Eee, international paperback edition :D It is gorgeous. Loved this book. Love all my editions :D
A Conjuring of Light. Ahh, stunning US paperback edition is out :D And it's so stunning. Must read it soon.
Vengeance. Ack, I haven't read this sequel, even though it's years old. But new paperback :D Gorgeous.
Pop Figures. These are so awesome :D Love my pop collection. And finally got to order a new Saruman.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Oh that is some amazing pop funkos Carina, it's been such a long time since I bought some new ones! And not having the best health is horrible, I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Looks like you got some great stuff in your mailbox. I hope you enjoy it all. Hope your health is better!

  3. I love your photo of the Illuminae Files series! OMG, I know exactly what you mean about running out of room. I need more space for everything! Too many books and swag. I need to get my own place. :D Have a great week, Carina! =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. Hope you health improves soon, Carina! I'm happy to hear you're trying to stay positive. Vengeance looks good. :)


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