
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Review: Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston

Thrilled to say that I enjoyed this book a whole bunch. I was a little bit nervous about reading it, yet hoped that I would love it. And I'm so happy that I did. It's a strong four star for me, and for the most part I loved this one. Found the writing to be gorgeous. And I simply adored all of the characters. Eee. Feeling so happy.

Heart of Iron is a fantasy Anastasia retelling set in space. And I loved every moment of it. It's a bit different, a bit the same as the animated movie. Which is a big favorite of mine. So reading this story was all kinds of exciting. I loved how it was the same, yet different too. This book is long, yet not nearly long enough. Ack.

The book is told from many point of views, and while I usually do not enjoy too many people to read about, I did not mind at all in this book. There weren't too many, and I grew to love all of them and wanted to read more of everyone. The main characters are Ana, Di, Robb and Jax. I might have loved Ana and Di the very most, but gosh, did I love them all so much. And getting to know them was the very best. This book is about these characters and a few others being pirates and having their own spaceship. I adored reading about the other characters as well. The captain was all kinds of awesome and I just really liked getting to know them. They were a family, and I loved that. The one reminded me a lot about Cinder and Six of Crows, which was awesome.

I am not going to write too much about the plot of this book. Only a little bit. I think. I simply cannot stop thinking about it all. Mostly thinking about all the spoilery parts, lol. But all of it were awesome. This book takes place in space, and I loved learning about everything. I wish to know even more about this world, though. It was exciting. This book also focus a lot on royalty and others wanting to kill them and lots of family drama and I loved it all very much. Was interesting to read about, and exciting too. Plot was good.

I loved the most to read about Ana and Di. Ana does not know anything about her past, as she and Di were found in an escape pod some years back with no memories. Ana has made a life for herself among these outlaws, and I loved that very much. Di is not human. He is her very best friend, and also a Metal. Which is kind of like a robot. He has no emotions, but he thinks and talks for himself. Him and Ana are the best of friends and they do everything together. I loved that so much. But oh, my poor heart. Sniffs.

Because Ana is in love with Di. And Di does not have those kind of feelings, he cannot have them. And it broke my heart a little. But I also loved it so much, because Ana loving him made me so so happy. Their friendship was the best. And I can say that there is a twist coming up that can make their love possible. Eee. I shipped them so much. Di was all kinds of fun and adorable. And Ana was fierce and awesome. I loved getting to know them both so much. And want to read more about them more than anything. Ahh.

Then there were Robb and Jax. And oh, how I loved these two boys. Robb is almost a royal, and his family is a big deal. Though also all kinds of cruel, I think. Though Robb is not. He do make some bad choices at times, but gosh, I adored him. Loved getting to know this boy. And gosh, Jax was awesome. Different and sweet and full of magic, in a way. I loved that so. And I ship these two boys a whole bunch and their romance was the sweetest. And so very rude and I wish only the best for them together. Eee.

There is so much I could say about this book. And I have already written way too much. Simply couldn't help it. I adored Heart of Iron. Have not talked too much about the plot and such, and not going to either. You all need to read this book. Because it is awesome. Ana has a secret past. As does Di and just about everyone else too. And I very much enjoyed getting to know all of it. This book was an epic fantasy space novel. With such gorgeous characters. And such a rude story. Hmph. It was so good. I will not forget this.

I'm giving this book a strong four star rating. Not quite a five star, but also not far from it. Because I really did adore this book. And I loved reading it very much. There was not a single thing about this that I hated. And that makes me very happy. I only wish that there had been a bit more romance, that Ana and Di had spent more time together. I felt like they were apart for most of the book, which broke my heart a little. Aw. And that ending. I cannot with that ending. Perfect, but beyond rude. But yes. I adored this book so much.

After searching, I am unable to figure out if there is another book coming after this one. And not knowing this is ruining my heart. Because this cannot only be one book. And it cannot end like that. It simply can't. There are way too many open things going on. I cannot survive not knowing what happens next. Hmph. And so, please, let there be a sequel. At least one more book. But hoping for even more than one book. Eee. There might be one coming, and ahh, I am crossing my fingers. I need more of everything so badly.

Anyway, though. I am so thrilled that I read Heart of Iron. So excited to have the hardcover coming too, and owning this precious print ARC from a trade. Eee. I am going to need everything from this precious. Because Heart of Iron was all kinds of lovely. All the characters were stunning and diverse and the very best. The romance killed me with heartbreak and swoon. The story was exciting and rude. I need more about these characters and this world so badly. You all need to read this book too. It's very much worth it.

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