
Thursday, February 15, 2018

Review: Contagion by Erin Bowman

When I first heard about this book, and saw that cover, I knew I had to read it. Because I love space things. Especially books that reminds me about Alien. Which this one did, and very much too. So thrilled that I got to read this one early, as I ended up loving it very much. Eee. So good. And the writing was perfect; I loved it.

I don't know where to begin with this book. The beginning is a bit slow, yet I did like getting to know the different main characters. The writing is stunning, and just reading about space had me so happy. Eee. I'm not going to talk too much about the plot, about how the story starts and such. Just going to share why I loved it.

This book is told from a few different point of views, sometimes from a few crew members that were not main characters. But all point of views were interesting, and needed to be there. I would say that the main characters were Nova and Thea. I very much loved getting to know these two girls. This story is about how a small ship with only eight people are sent to rescue a larger ship that has stopped responding on this mostly unknown and creepy planet. There is also some political things in this book, which bored me a little bit, but was interesting too. I liked learning more about this world, and would love to see different places too, in the next book. But for this one, all of it takes place on this creepy planet. Mostly inside the ships. I loved it so. All was awesome.

There is a whole lot of things going on with this book. I did find the beginning a bit slow and boring, which is why this is a four star, but I liked reading it even so, as I did enjoy getting to know all these characters. Thea is a young intern, working for this very old doctor woman. And I loved Thea the very most. She has no training in killing or fighting, yet she is so fierce and brave at times. I wish to know even more about this girl. Her life seemed a bit sad, and I loved that too. Simply adored reading about Thea. Loved her so.

Nova was also pretty incredible. She is almost nineteen, and is an awesome pilot. Though because of some eye issues, she can not get the jobs she wants. I very much liked getting to know this girl too. She was awesome. But, well, her crush on the captain was so wrong. Loved that she was into girls. But that captain was all kinds of horrible, ahh, and I want much better for Nova. I'm glad there was no romance in this book, lol, because that woman did not deserve Nova at all. Hmph. Nova was awesome. Adored her.

There are a few other characters in this book too, but not going to talk about them. This book is about this small crew going to investigate why no one have heard from this other big ship for two months. What they find out is that they are all dead. And learning the why for that was all kinds of interesting and exciting. I loved reading about it, and figuring out how they had all died. And how there were something awful in this planet. It was a bit scary and I loved it so. So much like Alien too, which was just awesome. I love space.

What they do find, however, is one survivor. A young man. And oh, how I loved reading about Coen. Eee. I think I might have loved him the most. And shipped him and Thea the most. Ack. This book takes place in less than a day, ack, so things are moving so fast. Getting to know Coen was all kinds of fun. And sad too, considering he has been alone on this planet for two months now. With some other things too. And eee. It was so awesome to read about. And rude. And I enjoyed it all very much. I only need more. Ahh.

I'm not going to say much more about this book. Just that I loved it a whole bunch. There is space. And death. And great characters. And also this awesome twist about the contagion, that I loved very much. And am simply dying to read more about in the next book. Ahh. It's going to be so good. If I survive the wait for it. Hmph. I loved how strong Thea and Nova ended up being, when the rescue mission went bad, when they had to fight to survive. Some mistakes are made, sure, but oh, I just loved these girls so much.

The reason for why I'm giving this book a four star is because I found almost the first half of the book to be kind of boring. I got a little bit tired of reading about the different crew members, and nothing exciting happened. But when it finally got exciting, I couldn't have loved this book more. Eee. Very happy about that. Also wishing there had been romance in this one. As there was none. No hints even. But I feel very sure there will be a romance in book two. At least, I hope so, because I ship Thea and Coen very much.

Contagion was all kinds of scary and exciting. I adored the characters and could not wait to know what would happen next. The final half of the book was so good, and everything I wanted from this book. Lots of death. A little bit of hope. And utterly crushing too. Because that ending was so rude, and I'm not sure how I will survive waiting for the second book. Hmph. I need to know what happens next. It's going to be so good, and I can't wait. Huge thank you to the publisher for the eARC via Edelweiss. So happy I got it.


  1. I loved Alien and Aliens! This does sound very similar and I'm happy to hear it was really good! I'll have to check this out! Fab review, Carina! :)

  2. Ooh the focus on 2 females is interesting as is the space theme. Plus mysteries and a potential romance to come! I’m a little sad about the bad potential love interest for Noah but Thea and Coen sounds great. Thanks for the review. I want to check this book out.

  3. Sounds like a fascinating story. Glad to hear you enjoyed this book overall and that the second half was so exciting.


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