
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Reclaiming Shilo Snow Blog Tour: Guest Post + Giveaway

Super excited to be taking part in the awesome blog tour for Reclaiming Shilo Snow by Mary Weber :D It's also a scavenger hunt, with clues on a bunch of posts by other awesome people. And every post will publish today, and you can see the schedule below, or here. I'm so excited to be taking part in this tour. I liked the first book a whole lot, and I adore Mary :D I cannot wait to read this gorgeous looking second book. <3 Thank you to Thomas Nelson & Zondervan Fiction and JustRead Publicity Tours for letting me take part in this lovely blog tour. <3 And thank you so so so much to Mary for this aaamazing guest post that she wrote for me :D Eee. I love it so much. I hope you all enjoy my tour post; and that you will enter both giveaways at the end of it :D Best of luck. This stunning book is out on March 6th :D Go order it. <3

A day in the life of Mary.

Okay, here’s the thing.

When people used to ask me what a day in my exciting writerly life looked like, I would begin to describe it, only to see their eyes glaze over in about 2.4 seconds. This is because describing my life is pretty much the equivalent of me telling you to imagine my grandma in hair curlers, feeding her cats, before heading out to check the mail, with her spanx pulled up to her rib cage.

For her it’s an adventure. For the rest of the world it’s…not.

So nowadays, I usually just show people this. 

Oh wait – wrong picture.
Here you go.

And I tell them how each morning I get up and slip on my legendary writer hero outfit (I forego mentioning how the thing’s gotten quite a bit tighter as I’ve gotten older so I have to wear a cape with it to avoid traumatizing some poor child at the grocery store). And from there, I power up my pegacorn and load up my kids to fly them to school. Which is usually accompanied by one of my teens asking:

“Mom, can I drive?”
“Because we don’t want your brother to die before he gets an education.”
“Let her drive, Mom! I don’t need an education!”

And that is the true story of how my pegacorn now has two dents in it.


When I return to my legendary writer hero home, I check Facebook a few times to see what evil exists in the world, and I counteract it with a few memes.

And then if it’s a writing day, I get down to tackling emails and conquering writing deadlines. This admittedly looks a lot like drinking coffee and texting my husband that I will never finish this book.

However, if it’s a “youth” work day (because I also work as a youth counselor), I’m ignoring said book and, instead, answering messages and having general fun with a bunch of teens I adore. And making my coworkers take awesome legendary hero team photos with me.

Oops, I meant this pic:

And then after picking up my kids from school…it’s making dinner. In the midst of which, I drink more coffee (homemade coconut mochas or honey lattes are my jam), eat chips and salsa like nobody’s business, try to slip in reading time, and hang out with my husband and kiddos.

I have a personal conviction that I won’t write books for other’s teens if I’m not intentionally, passionately, raising my own. So we spend a lot of evenings playing games or sitting around the bonfire – and weekends exploring the coast or watching Psych and The Last Airbender cartoons.

Unless it’s a travel weekend, in which case I board a 747 pegacorn to a conference or book festival, where I have the humbling privilege of meeting amazing teens and students, and hearing their own legendary stories that always result in me crying or cheering.

These are also where I innocently get dragged into my author friends’ shenanigans.

Which is, incidentally, how I found myself getting kissed by one of Maggie Stiefvater’s goats recently.


And thus ends my day.

Although – seriously. Now that I’ve written all that, I’m wondering if the pic of my grandma in her spanx might’ve just sufficed.

Please excuse me while I go pull my own up a bit higher.


Title:  Reclaiming Shilo Snow
Series: Evaporation of Sofi Snow, Book 2Author: Mary Weber
Publisher: Thomas Nelson Fiction
Release Date:  March 6, 2018
Genre: Young Adult Sci-Fi/Fantasy

She was far more capable than Earth’s leaders had accounted for—and they had no idea what she’d do next.

Known as a brilliant mind that could hack humanity’s darkest secrets, seventeen-year-old Sofi Snow is the most wanted teenager alive. She found her way to the icy, technologically brilliant planet of Delon to find Shilo, the brother everyone but Sofi believes is dead.

But as she and Ambassador Miguel partner to find her brother and warn those on Earth of Delon’s dark designs on humanity, Sofi’s memories threaten to overtake her, distorting everything she holds true. She knows the Delonese kept her in a dark, deceptive place . . . and destroyed a portion of her life. Now, the more they discover of Sofi’s past, the more Sofi feels herself unraveling—as each new revelation has her questioning the very existence of reality.

In this harrowing sequel to The Evaporation of Sofi Snow, Sofi and Miguel must trust each other and discover the secrets locked inside Sofi’s mind as the line between what’s real and what they imagine begins to slip away . . . threatening to take humanity with it.

Mary Weber is a ridiculously uncoordinated girl plotting to take over make-believe worlds through books, handstands, and imaginary throwing knives. In her spare time, she feeds unicorns, sings 80’s hairband songs to her three muggle children, and ogles her husband who looks strikingly like Wolverine. They live in California, which is perfect for stalking L.A. bands, Joss Whedon, and the ocean.

CONNECT WITH MARY:  website  facebook │ twitter │ instagram

My Scavenger Hunt Clue:



1. Be sure to stop at every stop to get the word/phrase as part of the hunt. You should find the phrase within the caption of their social media post or their blog post. Once you get the full phrase, enter it in the Rafflecopter entry form below. 

2. The tour landing page (this page) with the tour schedule and the Grand Prize entry form will be posted here and on JustRead Publicity Tour's Campaign page.  

3. Stops will be posted no later than 6 PM EST on February 20, 2018. The Tour-Wide, Grand Prize Giveaway will be opened through 11:59 PM EST on February 24, 2018. Individual stops' giveaways will be at the discretion of the hosts. 

4. Have fun and be sure to check out this series! It's AWESOME! 




One U.S. winner will win: (1) Hardcover Copy of Evaporation of Sofi Snow, (1) Signed ARC of Reclaiming Shilo Snow, (1)With Music the World Evaporates Drawstring Backpack, (1) The Evaporation of Sofi Snow Earbuds. 

Thanks for joining the hunt!

Extra giveaway!

Comment below and be entered to win 1 Ebook copy of Reclaiming Shilo Snow :D International.
This giveaway ends on February 24th. Winner will be contacted, and must reply within 48 hours.
Please leave your twitter name with your comment. If you don't have twitter, leave email address.


  1. This post is hilarious. I loved it and can't wait for book 2!

  2. This guest post is adorable and it makes me love Mary Weber even more!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Congrats! You are the winner of the ebook :D Just sent you a tweet about it. <3

  3. Best post I have read today, love the goat pic! @kaisquared4


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