
Saturday, February 24, 2018

In My Mailbox #329

Gosh, time is moving fast. I'm a bit behind on some things, yet not too far behind, so yay for that. I have read two books, which I'm glad I had the time for, lol. I'm waiting on more stunning mail, which means I will have a lot more books to read too. I hope I'll love them all. I also blogged a lot. I shared the cover for As She Ascends :) I took part in the Reclaiming Shilo Snow blog tour :D This week I'm waiting on Sadie. <3 Then I took part in the blog tour for Tempests and Slaughter :D Where I shared my review of it. Posted the cover for Sawkill Girls. <3 Which is gorgeous. Then posted my review of The Disappearances :D This week has been good. Yet busy too, as I have spent a lot of time with sister and baby niece. I'm still feeling pretty sick, and do not think the medicine have started working yet. Ugh. But still hopeful it will. Probably. Oh, and I saw Black Panther last Saturday; it was awesome :D Hoping to have more time for reading. <3

The Boat People. Thank you so much Julia at PRH International for this one :D I'm excited to read it next.
Dreadful Young Ladies and Other Stories. Eee, I adore Kelly. These stories seems so good. Can't wait.
The Traitor Prince. Oh, how this finished copy is gorgeous :D I loved this book a whole bunch. So good.
Funko Pop. My final Aladdin pop have arrived :D And eee, Jasmine look gorgeous. Very much adore her.
The Disappearances + Aru Shah + Ally + Iko Print. Eee :D Thank you so much Bridget for trading these with me. <3 I love the ARCs a whole bunch. And the Iko print is so gorgeous too. Yesss. I love her tons.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Looks like a lot of mail to me. Hope you love the books. :)

  2. I hope you start feeling better. And I keep hearing good things about Black Panther. Enjoy your new books.

    My Sunday Post

  3. Hope you feel better, Carina! Glad to hear you enjoyed Black Panther and got to spend some time with your sister and niece! :)

  4. Hope you feel better soon :-) Love all of your new books. Lucky you ;-)

  5. Carina you always end up getting the prettiest books! I went to see Black Panther yesterday too, it was bloody amazing! I hope you have a great week :)


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