
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Cover Reveal: Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand

I am SO HAPPY that this book is coming out this year, eee :D I adore Claire beyond words. Her books are simply the best and she is the sweetest person. And oh gosh, how I am dying to read Sawkill Girls, eee. It looks GORGEOUS. Oh, I love this cover so so much. And it sounds so good too. Ahhh. I'm so happy. I cannot wait to meet all of these girls. Eee. They sound so fierce and brutal and evil and sweet and gosh, I'm excited for this book. Also, it's Harper, which means it should be up on Edelweiss soon, hopefully, and I am so happy about that. Yesss. Sawkill Girls is going to be perfection. And I'm thrilled about it :D So happy with this cover too. It's so lovely. Just wish I could read it now. What do you think?

Beware of the woods and the dark, dank deep.

He’ll follow you home, and he won’t let you sleep.

Who are the Sawkill Girls?

Marion: the new girl. Awkward and plain, steady and dependable. Weighed down by tragedy and hungry for love she’s sure she’ll never find.

Zoey: the pariah. Luckless and lonely, hurting but hiding it. Aching with grief and dreaming of vanished girls. Maybe she’s broken—or maybe everyone else is.

Val: the queen bee. Gorgeous and privileged, ruthless and regal. Words like silk and eyes like knives, a heart made of secrets and a mouth full of lies.

Their stories come together on the island of Sawkill Rock, where gleaming horses graze in rolling pastures and cold waves crash against black cliffs. Where kids whisper the legend of an insidious monster at parties and around campfires.

Where girls have been disappearing for decades, stolen away by a ravenous evil no one has dared to fight… until now.

1 comment:

  1. I love this cover! Hopefully the story is just as good! Thanks for sharing! :)


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