
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Review: The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang

When I saw this stunning cover, I simply knew I had to have this book. Though I don't usually read a lot of graphic novels, I was so excited about this one. Because that cover is stunning. And the summary is so amazing too. I'm thrilled to say that I liked this book a whole lot. It's adorable yet heartbreaking too.

I'm giving it four stars, as I had a few smaller issues with some things, but for the most part I loved this book. I only wish it had been even longer. Needed more. And especially need to know what happens after the ending. Hmph. Fingers crossed there might be a sequel coming one day. I would love that so much.

I adored the writing in this book. It's gorgeous and written so well. And oh gosh, all that stunning artwork. I can't. It's beyond beautiful. The characters all look so cute. And I loved all the details in the drawings as well. And it's full color. I loved that the most. Cannot wait to see the finished version of it as well. This is a book I know I'll read again and again. Because it's adorable. The Prince and the Dressmaker was an incredible story. It was fun to read, and I loved all the characters. It's also a bit heartbreaking, and it made me cry. How rude. But I loved it. I loved it a whole bunch. It's also a really fast read, which I loved, but also hated, because I really wanted this one to be longer. I loved reading about Sebastian and Frances and I wanted more of them both. Oh, how I hope there will be a second book. But if not, this one was amazing even so.

This book tells the story of Sebastian and Frances. And it's such an adorable story. Sebastian is a prince. Whom likes dressing up as a girl. Frances is a young dressmaker whom Sebastian has just hired to make dresses for him. And oh, these two young people were so cute to read about. I loved learning more about Sebastian and his life as a prince. His parents seemed alright, maybe. And I loved that he wanted to wear dresses. It suited him very well. I really liked seeing all the artwork of him dressed as a girl and a prince.

And Frances was amazing to read about too. I loved how sweet and kind she was. Since this is a graphic novel, I didn't get to know either of them as well as I wanted, sniffs, but I still got to know them very well. And I simply adored Frances. I loved how she wanted to get known for her dresses, and how amazing she was at making them. I loved the things she made for Sebastian. And their growing friendship was the cutest to read about. I loved them both so much. Just wish I knew them even more. They were amazing.

I'm not going to say too much about this book, as it is really short, but I do wish to mention some things. It is a secret that Sebastian dresses as a girl, and goes out as Lady Crystallia. But of course, every secret comes out one day. And I have to say that the way this secret became public, oh. It was heartbreaking. And I still feel sad about it. So rude. Yet written so well too. But yes. It was very sad. Sniffs. I just loved Sebastian so so much. And Frances too. And oh, I simply wish this book had been much longer. Hmph.

The reason for why I'm giving this a four star is because of a few issues with a part where the characters are separated for a little while. It broke my heart. And made me a little bit angry too, because they should not have let that happen. Hmph. But it was written well, and it didn't last long, so I didn't mind too much. But yeah, it was a bit sad. Also a bit sad that this stunning thing wasn't even longer. How rude. I wanted more of them all so much. But besides that, I loved the rest of this book a lot. Plot was exciting and good.

I'm so glad that I gave this book a try. The artwork was beyond stunning. And the writing gorgeous too. And I fell in love with the characters. Didn't know that a graphic novel could make me cry, but this one did. It's a quick and easy book to read. It's full of amazing characters, stunning clothes and a great friendship too. Wish there had been more focus on the growing romance, though. Aw. But there is a tiny bit of it, and I loved it lots, because I very much shipped these lovely characters. Adored reading about them so much.

Huge thank you to First Second for approving me via Netgalley to read this book early. Though my review isn't posted until now, I wrote it on July 30th, when I read this book. I simply can't wait to get the finished copies of it in the mail soonish. Eee. It's going to look so gorgeous. If you haven't read this book yet, then you most definitely need to order it right away. It's such a stunning story and you really shouldn't miss it. The Prince and the Dressmaker is so so special. Full of heart, beautiful dresses and amazing characters.


  1. Oh this sounds lovely! I'll have to check it out. Great review!

  2. I love graphic novels. Glad to hear you gave this one a try and enjoyed it. :)

  3. Love your review! I have a copy of this though I haven't read it yet, but its just a lovely graphic novel! Glad to hear it's a great read, too!


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